{"id": 27792, "species": {"value": 2965, "label": "Pinus monophylla Torr. & Fr\u201am."}, "tribe": {"value": 24, "label": "Cahuilla"}, "source": {"value": 31, "label": "bs72"}, "pageno": "102", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Needles and roots used to make baskets.", "rawsource": "Bean, Lowell John and Katherine Siva Saubel, 1972, Temalpakh (From the Earth); Cahuilla Indian Knowledge and Usage of Plants, Banning, CA. Malki Museum Press, page 102"} {"id": 28082, "species": {"value": 2972, "label": "Pinus quadrifolia Parl. ex Sudworth"}, "tribe": {"value": 24, "label": "Cahuilla"}, "source": {"value": 31, "label": "bs72"}, "pageno": "102", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Needles and roots used to make baskets.", "rawsource": "Bean, Lowell John and Katherine Siva Saubel, 1972, Temalpakh (From the Earth); Cahuilla Indian Knowledge and Usage of Plants, Banning, CA. Malki Museum Press, page 102"} {"id": 29893, "species": {"value": 3142, "label": "Proboscidea althaeifolia (Benth.) Dcne."}, "tribe": {"value": 193, "label": "Pima"}, "source": {"value": 11, "label": "c49"}, "pageno": "107", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Used for basket making.", "rawsource": "Curtin, L. S. M., 1949, By the Prophet of the Earth, Sante Fe. San Vicente Foundation, page 107"} {"id": 29910, "species": {"value": 3146, "label": "Proboscidea parviflora (Woot.) Woot. & Standl."}, "tribe": {"value": 193, "label": "Pima"}, "source": {"value": 11, "label": "c49"}, "pageno": "107", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Used extensively for basket making.", "rawsource": "Curtin, L. S. M., 1949, By the Prophet of the Earth, Sante Fe. San Vicente Foundation, page 107"} {"id": 35853, "species": {"value": 3530, "label": "Salix gooddingii Ball"}, "tribe": {"value": 193, "label": "Pima"}, "source": {"value": 11, "label": "c49"}, "pageno": "108", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Used as foundations for outdoor storage baskets.", "rawsource": "Curtin, L. S. M., 1949, By the Prophet of the Earth, Sante Fe. San Vicente Foundation, page 108"} {"id": 29485, "species": {"value": 3102, "label": "Populus fremontii S. Wats."}, "tribe": {"value": 193, "label": "Pima"}, "source": {"value": 11, "label": "c49"}, "pageno": "109", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Twigs used for basket making.", "rawsource": "Curtin, L. S. M., 1949, By the Prophet of the Earth, Sante Fe. San Vicente Foundation, page 109"} {"id": 27924, "species": {"value": 2967, "label": "Pinus muricata D. Don"}, "tribe": {"value": 200, "label": "Pomo"}, "source": {"value": 80, "label": "g67"}, "pageno": "11", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Root used in basketry.", "rawsource": "Gifford, E. W., 1967, Ethnographic Notes on the Southwestern Pomo, Anthropological Records 25:10-15, page 11"} {"id": 31532, "species": {"value": 3216, "label": "Pteridium aquilinum var. pubescens Underwood"}, "tribe": {"value": 200, "label": "Pomo"}, "source": {"value": 80, "label": "g67"}, "pageno": "11", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Root used in basketry.", "rawsource": "Gifford, E. W., 1967, Ethnographic Notes on the Southwestern Pomo, Anthropological Records 25:10-15, page 11"} {"id": 39526, "species": {"value": 3902, "label": "Taxus brevifolia Nutt."}, "tribe": {"value": 200, "label": "Pomo"}, "source": {"value": 80, "label": "g67"}, "pageno": "11", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Roots used in basketry.", "rawsource": "Gifford, E. W., 1967, Ethnographic Notes on the Southwestern Pomo, Anthropological Records 25:10-15, page 11"} {"id": 43072, "species": {"value": 4130, "label": "Viburnum edule (Michx.) Raf."}, "tribe": {"value": 255, "label": "Tanana, Upper"}, "source": {"value": 36, "label": "k85"}, "pageno": "11", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Stems used for birch bark basket rims.", "rawsource": "Kari, Priscilla Russe, 1985, Upper Tanana Ethnobotany, Anchorage. Alaska Historical Commission, page 11"} {"id": 37509, "species": {"value": 3609, "label": "Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani (K.C. Gmel.) Palla"}, "tribe": {"value": 206, "label": "Potawatomi"}, "source": {"value": 43, "label": "smith33"}, "pageno": "112", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Entire, dyed stem used to make baskets.", "rawsource": "Smith, Huron H., 1933, Ethnobotany of the Forest Potawatomi Indians, Bulletin of the Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee 7:1-230, page 112"} {"id": 15309, "species": {"value": 1660, "label": "Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marsh."}, "tribe": {"value": 206, "label": "Potawatomi"}, "source": {"value": 43, "label": "smith33"}, "pageno": "113", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Wood rings used for making woven wooden baskets.", "rawsource": "Smith, Huron H., 1933, Ethnobotany of the Forest Potawatomi Indians, Bulletin of the Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee 7:1-230, page 113"} {"id": 40381, "species": {"value": 3959, "label": "Tilia americana L."}, "tribe": {"value": 206, "label": "Potawatomi"}, "source": {"value": 43, "label": "smith33"}, "pageno": "114", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Bark string used for fashioning bags.", "rawsource": "Smith, Huron H., 1933, Ethnobotany of the Forest Potawatomi Indians, Bulletin of the Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee 7:1-230, page 114"} {"id": 41587, "species": {"value": 4052, "label": "Ulmus rubra Muhl."}, "tribe": {"value": 206, "label": "Potawatomi"}, "source": {"value": 43, "label": "smith33"}, "pageno": "115", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Bark used to make boxes and baskets.", "rawsource": "Smith, Huron H., 1933, Ethnobotany of the Forest Potawatomi Indians, Bulletin of the Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee 7:1-230, page 115"} {"id": 35833, "species": {"value": 3527, "label": "Salix exigua Nutt."}, "tribe": {"value": 202, "label": "Pomo, Kashaya"}, "source": {"value": 40, "label": "gl80"}, "pageno": "118", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Root used in twined baskets.", "rawsource": "Goodrich, Jennie and Claudia Lawson, 1980, Kashaya Pomo Plants, Los Angeles. American Indian Studies Center, University of California, Los Angeles, page 118"} {"id": 35834, "species": {"value": 3527, "label": "Salix exigua Nutt."}, "tribe": {"value": 202, "label": "Pomo, Kashaya"}, "source": {"value": 40, "label": "gl80"}, "pageno": "118", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Switches used for twined baskets and foundations in coiled baskets.", "rawsource": "Goodrich, Jennie and Claudia Lawson, 1980, Kashaya Pomo Plants, Los Angeles. American Indian Studies Center, University of California, Los Angeles, page 118"} {"id": 35982, "species": {"value": 3539, "label": "Salix lucida ssp. lasiandra (Benth.) E. Murr."}, "tribe": {"value": 202, "label": "Pomo, Kashaya"}, "source": {"value": 40, "label": "gl80"}, "pageno": "118", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Branches used as the warp for twined baskets and foundation in coiled baskets.", "rawsource": "Goodrich, Jennie and Claudia Lawson, 1980, Kashaya Pomo Plants, Los Angeles. American Indian Studies Center, University of California, Los Angeles, page 118"} {"id": 7147, "species": {"value": 580, "label": "Betula papyrifera Marsh."}, "tribe": {"value": 8, "label": "Algonquin, Tete-de-Boule"}, "source": {"value": 113, "label": "ray45"}, "pageno": "119", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Bark used to make baskets and containers.", "rawsource": "Raymond, Marcel., 1945, Notes Ethnobotaniques Sur Les Tete-De-Boule De Manouan, Contributions de l'Institut botanique l'Universite de Montreal 55:113-134, page 119"} {"id": 18326, "species": {"value": 2038, "label": "Juncus balticus Willd."}, "tribe": {"value": 33, "label": "Cheyenne"}, "source": {"value": 57, "label": "h81"}, "pageno": "12", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Stems formerly used in basket weaving.", "rawsource": "Hart, Jeffrey A., 1981, The Ethnobotany of the Northern Cheyenne Indians of Montana, Journal of Ethnopharmacology 4:1-55, page 12"} {"id": 18341, "species": {"value": 2038, "label": "Juncus balticus Willd."}, "tribe": {"value": 200, "label": "Pomo"}, "source": {"value": 80, "label": "g67"}, "pageno": "12", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Used by girls to simulate basket making.", "rawsource": "Gifford, E. W., 1967, Ethnographic Notes on the Southwestern Pomo, Anthropological Records 25:10-15, page 12"} {"id": 27653, "species": {"value": 2959, "label": "Pinus edulis Engelm."}, "tribe": {"value": 159, "label": "Navajo, Ramah"}, "source": {"value": 18, "label": "v52"}, "pageno": "12", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Resin used in pottery and basketry making.", "rawsource": "Vestal, Paul A., 1952, The Ethnobotany of the Ramah Navaho, Papers of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology 40(4):1-94, page 12"} {"id": 3677, "species": {"value": 284, "label": "Anthoxanthum odoratum L."}, "tribe": {"value": 206, "label": "Potawatomi"}, "source": {"value": 43, "label": "smith33"}, "pageno": "120", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Used to make baskets.", "rawsource": "Smith, Huron H., 1933, Ethnobotany of the Forest Potawatomi Indians, Bulletin of the Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee 7:1-230, page 120"} {"id": 18117, "species": {"value": 2017, "label": "Iris versicolor L."}, "tribe": {"value": 206, "label": "Potawatomi"}, "source": {"value": 43, "label": "smith33"}, "pageno": "120", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Leaves used to weave baskets.", "rawsource": "Smith, Huron H., 1933, Ethnobotany of the Forest Potawatomi Indians, Bulletin of the Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee 7:1-230, page 120"} {"id": 39530, "species": {"value": 3902, "label": "Taxus brevifolia Nutt."}, "tribe": {"value": 202, "label": "Pomo, Kashaya"}, "source": {"value": 40, "label": "gl80"}, "pageno": "121", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Root used as weft in twined baskets & root very strong & especially good for hopper mortar baskets.", "rawsource": "Goodrich, Jennie and Claudia Lawson, 1980, Kashaya Pomo Plants, Los Angeles. American Indian Studies Center, University of California, Los Angeles, page 121"} {"id": 41586, "species": {"value": 4052, "label": "Ulmus rubra Muhl."}, "tribe": {"value": 206, "label": "Potawatomi"}, "source": {"value": 43, "label": "smith33"}, "pageno": "124", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Bark used to make baskets.", "rawsource": "Smith, Huron H., 1933, Ethnobotany of the Forest Potawatomi Indians, Bulletin of the Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee 7:1-230, page 124"} {"id": 35899, "species": {"value": 3534, "label": "Salix interior Rowlee"}, "tribe": {"value": 38, "label": "Chippewa"}, "source": {"value": 15, "label": "gil33"}, "pageno": "126", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Cut, peeled willows dipped in hot water to make them tough and pliable and made into baskets. The best time for weaving willow baskets of various forms and sizes was during the springtime.", "rawsource": "Gilmore, Melvin R., 1933, Some Chippewa Uses of Plants, Ann Arbor. University of Michigan Press, page 126"} {"id": 26889, "species": {"value": 2934, "label": "Picea glauca (Moench) Voss"}, "tribe": {"value": 8, "label": "Algonquin, Tete-de-Boule"}, "source": {"value": 113, "label": "ray45"}, "pageno": "129", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Roots used to sew basketss.", "rawsource": "Raymond, Marcel., 1945, Notes Ethnobotaniques Sur Les Tete-De-Boule De Manouan, Contributions de l'Institut botanique l'Universite de Montreal 55:113-134, page 129"} {"id": 27049, "species": {"value": 2935, "label": "Picea mariana (P. Mill.) B.S.P."}, "tribe": {"value": 8, "label": "Algonquin, Tete-de-Boule"}, "source": {"value": 113, "label": "ray45"}, "pageno": "129", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Roots used to sew baskets.", "rawsource": "Raymond, Marcel., 1945, Notes Ethnobotaniques Sur Les Tete-De-Boule De Manouan, Contributions de l'Institut botanique l'Universite de Montreal 55:113-134, page 129"} {"id": 5922, "species": {"value": 417, "label": "Arundinaria gigantea (Walt.) Muhl."}, "tribe": {"value": 39, "label": "Choctaw"}, "source": {"value": 118, "label": "bd09"}, "pageno": "13", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Plant used in basketry.", "rawsource": "Bushnell, Jr., David I., 1909, The Choctaw of Bayou Lacomb, St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana, SI-BAE Bulletin #48, page 13"} {"id": 18334, "species": {"value": 2038, "label": "Juncus balticus Willd."}, "tribe": {"value": 151, "label": "Montana Indian"}, "source": {"value": 73, "label": "b05"}, "pageno": "13", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Used for weaving light baskets.", "rawsource": "Blankinship, J. W., 1905, Native Economic Plants of Montana, Bozeman. Montana Agricultural College Experimental Station, Bulletin 56, page 13"} {"id": 37747, "species": {"value": 3655, "label": "Serenoa repens (Bartr.) Small"}, "tribe": {"value": 39, "label": "Choctaw"}, "source": {"value": 118, "label": "bd09"}, "pageno": "13", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Stems used in basketry.", "rawsource": "Bushnell, Jr., David I., 1909, The Choctaw of Bayou Lacomb, St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana, SI-BAE Bulletin #48, page 13"} {"id": 41199, "species": {"value": 4049, "label": "Typha latifolia L."}, "tribe": {"value": 33, "label": "Cheyenne"}, "source": {"value": 57, "label": "h81"}, "pageno": "13", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Leaves formerly used to make baskets.", "rawsource": "Hart, Jeffrey A., 1981, The Ethnobotany of the Northern Cheyenne Indians of Montana, Journal of Ethnopharmacology 4:1-55, page 13"} {"id": 33091, "species": {"value": 3352, "label": "Rhus trilobata Nutt."}, "tribe": {"value": 24, "label": "Cahuilla"}, "source": {"value": 31, "label": "bs72"}, "pageno": "131", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Thin, pliable stems used for the woof in baskets.", "rawsource": "Bean, Lowell John and Katherine Siva Saubel, 1972, Temalpakh (From the Earth); Cahuilla Indian Knowledge and Usage of Plants, Banning, CA. Malki Museum Press, page 131"} {"id": 40320, "species": {"value": 3959, "label": "Tilia americana L."}, "tribe": {"value": 8, "label": "Algonquin, Tete-de-Boule"}, "source": {"value": 113, "label": "ray45"}, "pageno": "132", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Used to make baskets stronger.", "rawsource": "Raymond, Marcel., 1945, Notes Ethnobotaniques Sur Les Tete-De-Boule De Manouan, Contributions de l'Institut botanique l'Universite de Montreal 55:113-134, page 132"} {"id": 8061, "species": {"value": 737, "label": "Carex barbarae Dewey"}, "tribe": {"value": 200, "label": "Pomo"}, "source": {"value": 179, "label": "b08"}, "pageno": "137", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Woody root fibers used as the white background in baskets.", "rawsource": "Barrett, S. A., 1908, Pomo Indian Basketry, University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 7:134-308, page 137"} {"id": 37461, "species": {"value": 3606, "label": "Schoenoplectus maritimus (L.) Lye"}, "tribe": {"value": 200, "label": "Pomo"}, "source": {"value": 179, "label": "b08"}, "pageno": "137", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Root stock fibers used as design material for baskets.", "rawsource": "Barrett, S. A., 1908, Pomo Indian Basketry, University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 7:134-308, page 137"} {"id": 404, "species": {"value": 18, "label": "Acacia willardiana"}, "tribe": {"value": 229, "label": "Seri"}, "source": {"value": 29, "label": "d44"}, "pageno": "138", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Splints used to make the woof for basketry.", "rawsource": "Dawson, E. Yale, 1944, Some Ethnobotanical Notes on the Seri Indians, Desert Plant Life 9:133-138, page 138"} {"id": 7613, "species": {"value": 649, "label": "Bursera laxiflora"}, "tribe": {"value": 229, "label": "Seri"}, "source": {"value": 29, "label": "d44"}, "pageno": "138", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Splint whisps used to make light, coiled baskets.", "rawsource": "Dawson, E. Yale, 1944, Some Ethnobotanical Notes on the Seri Indians, Desert Plant Life 9:133-138, page 138"} {"id": 7617, "species": {"value": 650, "label": "Bursera microphylla Gray"}, "tribe": {"value": 229, "label": "Seri"}, "source": {"value": 29, "label": "d44"}, "pageno": "138", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Splint whisps used to make light, coiled baskets.", "rawsource": "Dawson, E. Yale, 1944, Some Ethnobotanical Notes on the Seri Indians, Desert Plant Life 9:133-138, page 138"} {"id": 7624, "species": {"value": 654, "label": "Caesalpinia gracilis"}, "tribe": {"value": 229, "label": "Seri"}, "source": {"value": 29, "label": "d44"}, "pageno": "138", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Splints used to make the woof for basketry.", "rawsource": "Dawson, E. Yale, 1944, Some Ethnobotanical Notes on the Seri Indians, Desert Plant Life 9:133-138, page 138"} {"id": 8884, "species": {"value": 838, "label": "Cercis canadensis var. texensis (S. Wats.) M. Hopkins"}, "tribe": {"value": 200, "label": "Pomo"}, "source": {"value": 179, "label": "b08"}, "pageno": "138", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Red bark used as design material for baskets.", "rawsource": "Barrett, S. A., 1908, Pomo Indian Basketry, University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 7:134-308, page 138"} {"id": 8886, "species": {"value": 838, "label": "Cercis canadensis var. texensis (S. Wats.) M. Hopkins"}, "tribe": {"value": 200, "label": "Pomo"}, "source": {"value": 179, "label": "b08"}, "pageno": "138", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "White, inner bark used in basketry.", "rawsource": "Barrett, S. A., 1908, Pomo Indian Basketry, University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 7:134-308, page 138"} {"id": 8888, "species": {"value": 838, "label": "Cercis canadensis var. texensis (S. Wats.) M. Hopkins"}, "tribe": {"value": 287, "label": "Yuki"}, "source": {"value": 179, "label": "b08"}, "pageno": "138", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Red bark used as design material on twined basketry.", "rawsource": "Barrett, S. A., 1908, Pomo Indian Basketry, University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 7:134-308, page 138"} {"id": 18160, "species": {"value": 2027, "label": "Jatropha cardiophylla (Torr.) Muell.-Arg."}, "tribe": {"value": 229, "label": "Seri"}, "source": {"value": 29, "label": "d44"}, "pageno": "138", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Splint whisps used to make light, coiled baskets.", "rawsource": "Dawson, E. Yale, 1944, Some Ethnobotanical Notes on the Seri Indians, Desert Plant Life 9:133-138, page 138"} {"id": 18161, "species": {"value": 2028, "label": "Jatropha spatulata"}, "tribe": {"value": 229, "label": "Seri"}, "source": {"value": 29, "label": "d44"}, "pageno": "138", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Splint whisps used to make light, coiled baskets.", "rawsource": "Dawson, E. Yale, 1944, Some Ethnobotanical Notes on the Seri Indians, Desert Plant Life 9:133-138, page 138"} {"id": 28137, "species": {"value": 2975, "label": "Pinus sabiniana Dougl. ex Dougl."}, "tribe": {"value": 200, "label": "Pomo"}, "source": {"value": 179, "label": "b08"}, "pageno": "138", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Root fiber used to make twined baskets.", "rawsource": "Barrett, S. A., 1908, Pomo Indian Basketry, University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 7:134-308, page 138"} {"id": 36280, "species": {"value": 3551, "label": "Salix sp."}, "tribe": {"value": 200, "label": "Pomo"}, "source": {"value": 179, "label": "b08"}, "pageno": "138", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Stem used as foundation material in basketry.", "rawsource": "Barrett, S. A., 1908, Pomo Indian Basketry, University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 7:134-308, page 138"} {"id": 15242, "species": {"value": 1659, "label": "Fraxinus nigra Marsh."}, "tribe": {"value": 38, "label": "Chippewa"}, "source": {"value": 15, "label": "gil33"}, "pageno": "139", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Wood logs beaten with mauls to separate the growth layers, cut into strips and woven into baskets. The wood logs were beaten with mauls until the growth layers were loosened so that they could be separated. The thin sheets of wood were then cut into strips of the desired size and woven into baskets.", "rawsource": "Gilmore, Melvin R., 1933, Some Chippewa Uses of Plants, Ann Arbor. University of Michigan Press, page 139"} {"id": 18823, "species": {"value": 2059, "label": "Juniperus occidentalis Hook."}, "tribe": {"value": 200, "label": "Pomo"}, "source": {"value": 179, "label": "b08"}, "pageno": "139", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Root fiber used to make twined baskets.", "rawsource": "Barrett, S. A., 1908, Pomo Indian Basketry, University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 7:134-308, page 139"} {"id": 31491, "species": {"value": 3214, "label": "Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn"}, "tribe": {"value": 200, "label": "Pomo"}, "source": {"value": 179, "label": "b08"}, "pageno": "139", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Root fiber made into coils and used in basketry.", "rawsource": "Barrett, S. A., 1908, Pomo Indian Basketry, University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 7:134-308, page 139"} {"id": 43384, "species": {"value": 4172, "label": "Vitis californica Benth."}, "tribe": {"value": 200, "label": "Pomo"}, "source": {"value": 179, "label": "b08"}, "pageno": "139", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Sap wood used as binding material in basketry.", "rawsource": "Barrett, S. A., 1908, Pomo Indian Basketry, University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 7:134-308, page 139"} {"id": 400, "species": {"value": 17, "label": "Acacia sp."}, "tribe": {"value": 97, "label": "Hualapai"}, "source": {"value": 127, "label": "w82"}, "pageno": "14", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Limbs split and used to coil around the edges of baskets.", "rawsource": "Watahomigie, Lucille J., 1982, Hualapai Ethnobotany, Peach Springs, AZ. Hualapai Bilingual Program, Peach Springs School District #8, page 14"} {"id": 1533, "species": {"value": 68, "label": "Adiantum aleuticum (Rupr.) Paris"}, "tribe": {"value": 133, "label": "Makah"}, "source": {"value": 25, "label": "g73"}, "pageno": "14", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Midribs used for the designs in basketry.", "rawsource": "Gunther, Erna, 1973, Ethnobotany of Western Washington, Seattle. University of Washington Press. Revised edition, page 14"} {"id": 1535, "species": {"value": 68, "label": "Adiantum aleuticum (Rupr.) Paris"}, "tribe": {"value": 210, "label": "Quinault"}, "source": {"value": 25, "label": "g73"}, "pageno": "14", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Midribs used for the designs in basketry.", "rawsource": "Gunther, Erna, 1973, Ethnobotany of Western Washington, Seattle. University of Washington Press. Revised edition, page 14"} {"id": 20406, "species": {"value": 2205, "label": "Linum lewisii Pursh"}, "tribe": {"value": 151, "label": "Montana Indian"}, "source": {"value": 73, "label": "b05"}, "pageno": "14", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Bark fibers used in baskets.", "rawsource": "Blankinship, J. W., 1905, Native Economic Plants of Montana, Bozeman. Montana Agricultural College Experimental Station, Bulletin 56, page 14"} {"id": 41278, "species": {"value": 4049, "label": "Typha latifolia L."}, "tribe": {"value": 159, "label": "Navajo, Ramah"}, "source": {"value": 18, "label": "v52"}, "pageno": "14", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Leaves used to make storage baskets, medicine baskets and water jugs.", "rawsource": "Vestal, Paul A., 1952, The Ethnobotany of the Ramah Navaho, Papers of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology 40(4):1-94, page 14"} {"id": 20082, "species": {"value": 2160, "label": "Leymus cinereus (Scribn. & Merr.) A. L\u201dve"}, "tribe": {"value": 259, "label": "Thompson"}, "source": {"value": 10, "label": "tta90"}, "pageno": "140", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Culms used for basket imbrication as a substitute for another plant or other swamp grasses.", "rawsource": "Turner, Nancy J., Laurence C. Thompson and M. Terry Thompson et al., 1990, Thompson Ethnobotany: Knowledge and Usage of Plants by the Thompson Indians of British Columbia, Victoria. Royal British Columbia Museum, page 140"} {"id": 37412, "species": {"value": 3603, "label": "Schoenoplectus acutus var. acutus"}, "tribe": {"value": 200, "label": "Pomo"}, "source": {"value": 179, "label": "b08"}, "pageno": "140", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Stems used to make plain-twined baskets.", "rawsource": "Barrett, S. A., 1908, Pomo Indian Basketry, University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 7:134-308, page 140"} {"id": 37466, "species": {"value": 3608, "label": "Schoenoplectus robustus (Pursh) M.T. Strong"}, "tribe": {"value": 200, "label": "Pomo"}, "source": {"value": 179, "label": "b08"}, "pageno": "140", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Plant made into the heavy hoop used at the opening of the conical burden basket.", "rawsource": "Barrett, S. A., 1908, Pomo Indian Basketry, University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 7:134-308, page 140"} {"id": 37467, "species": {"value": 3608, "label": "Schoenoplectus robustus (Pursh) M.T. Strong"}, "tribe": {"value": 200, "label": "Pomo"}, "source": {"value": 179, "label": "b08"}, "pageno": "140", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Stems used to make plain-twined baskets.", "rawsource": "Barrett, S. A., 1908, Pomo Indian Basketry, University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 7:134-308, page 140"} {"id": 26627, "species": {"value": 2901, "label": "Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud."}, "tribe": {"value": 259, "label": "Thompson"}, "source": {"value": 10, "label": "tta90"}, "pageno": "142", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Stems used in basket imbrication.", "rawsource": "Turner, Nancy J., Laurence C. Thompson and M. Terry Thompson et al., 1990, Thompson Ethnobotany: Knowledge and Usage of Plants by the Thompson Indians of British Columbia, Victoria. Royal British Columbia Museum, page 142"} {"id": 41869, "species": {"value": 4060, "label": "Urtica dioica ssp. holosericea (Nutt.) Thorne"}, "tribe": {"value": 24, "label": "Cahuilla"}, "source": {"value": 31, "label": "bs72"}, "pageno": "143", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Fibers used in basketmaking.", "rawsource": "Bean, Lowell John and Katherine Siva Saubel, 1972, Temalpakh (From the Earth); Cahuilla Indian Knowledge and Usage of Plants, Banning, CA. Malki Museum Press, page 143"} {"id": 525, "species": {"value": 26, "label": "Acer macrophyllum Pursh"}, "tribe": {"value": 259, "label": "Thompson"}, "source": {"value": 10, "label": "tta90"}, "pageno": "147", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Inner bark used to make scouring pads, temporary baskets and sometimes for weaving bags.", "rawsource": "Turner, Nancy J., Laurence C. Thompson and M. Terry Thompson et al., 1990, Thompson Ethnobotany: Knowledge and Usage of Plants by the Thompson Indians of British Columbia, Victoria. Royal British Columbia Museum, page 147"} {"id": 28132, "species": {"value": 2975, "label": "Pinus sabiniana Dougl. ex Dougl."}, "tribe": {"value": 144, "label": "Miwok"}, "source": {"value": 100, "label": "bg33"}, "pageno": "149", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Twigs and rootlets used as sewing material for coiled basket.", "rawsource": "Barrett, S. A. and E. W. Gifford, 1933, Miwok Material Culture, Bulletin of the Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee 2(4):11, page 149"} {"id": 33010, "species": {"value": 3347, "label": "Rhus glabra L."}, "tribe": {"value": 259, "label": "Thompson"}, "source": {"value": 10, "label": "tta90"}, "pageno": "149", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Leaves used as basket covers.", "rawsource": "Turner, Nancy J., Laurence C. Thompson and M. Terry Thompson et al., 1990, Thompson Ethnobotany: Knowledge and Usage of Plants by the Thompson Indians of British Columbia, Victoria. Royal British Columbia Museum, page 149"} {"id": 1528, "species": {"value": 68, "label": "Adiantum aleuticum (Rupr.) Paris"}, "tribe": {"value": 105, "label": "Karok"}, "source": {"value": 70, "label": "b81"}, "pageno": "15", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Stems used for the designs in baskets.", "rawsource": "Baker, Marc A., 1981, The Ethnobotany of the Yurok, Tolowa and Karok Indians of Northwest California, Humboldt State University, M.A. Thesis, page 15"} {"id": 1537, "species": {"value": 68, "label": "Adiantum aleuticum (Rupr.) Paris"}, "tribe": {"value": 266, "label": "Tolowa"}, "source": {"value": 70, "label": "b81"}, "pageno": "15", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Dried, stored stems soaked in water and used for the designs in baskets.", "rawsource": "Baker, Marc A., 1981, The Ethnobotany of the Yurok, Tolowa and Karok Indians of Northwest California, Humboldt State University, M.A. Thesis, page 15"} {"id": 1538, "species": {"value": 68, "label": "Adiantum aleuticum (Rupr.) Paris"}, "tribe": {"value": 289, "label": "Yurok"}, "source": {"value": 70, "label": "b81"}, "pageno": "15", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Stems used for the designs in baskets.", "rawsource": "Baker, Marc A., 1981, The Ethnobotany of the Yurok, Tolowa and Karok Indians of Northwest California, Humboldt State University, M.A. Thesis, page 15"} {"id": 13507, "species": {"value": 1430, "label": "Equisetum telmateia Ehrh."}, "tribe": {"value": 53, "label": "Cowlitz"}, "source": {"value": 25, "label": "g73"}, "pageno": "15", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Black roots used for imbrication on coiled baskets.", "rawsource": "Gunther, Erna, 1973, Ethnobotany of Western Washington, Seattle. University of Washington Press. Revised edition, page 15"} {"id": 13516, "species": {"value": 1430, "label": "Equisetum telmateia Ehrh."}, "tribe": {"value": 209, "label": "Quileute"}, "source": {"value": 25, "label": "g73"}, "pageno": "15", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Black roots used for imbrication on coiled baskets.", "rawsource": "Gunther, Erna, 1973, Ethnobotany of Western Washington, Seattle. University of Washington Press. Revised edition, page 15"} {"id": 13526, "species": {"value": 1430, "label": "Equisetum telmateia Ehrh."}, "tribe": {"value": 253, "label": "Swinomish"}, "source": {"value": 25, "label": "g73"}, "pageno": "15", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Black roots used for imbrication on coiled baskets.", "rawsource": "Gunther, Erna, 1973, Ethnobotany of Western Washington, Seattle. University of Washington Press. Revised edition, page 15"} {"id": 33136, "species": {"value": 3352, "label": "Rhus trilobata Nutt."}, "tribe": {"value": 97, "label": "Hualapai"}, "source": {"value": 127, "label": "w82"}, "pageno": "15", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Limbs used to make baskets.", "rawsource": "Watahomigie, Lucille J., 1982, Hualapai Ethnobotany, Peach Springs, AZ. Hualapai Bilingual Program, Peach Springs School District #8, page 15"} {"id": 35920, "species": {"value": 3535, "label": "Salix irrorata Anderss."}, "tribe": {"value": 15, "label": "Apache, White Mountain"}, "source": {"value": 45, "label": "r29"}, "pageno": "150", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Withes used to make baskets and water jugs.", "rawsource": "Reagan, Albert B., 1929, Plants Used by the White Mountain Apache Indians of Arizona, Wisconsin Archeologist 8:143-61., page 150"} {"id": 35921, "species": {"value": 3535, "label": "Salix irrorata Anderss."}, "tribe": {"value": 15, "label": "Apache, White Mountain"}, "source": {"value": 45, "label": "r29"}, "pageno": "150", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Withes used to make baskets to be sold.", "rawsource": "Reagan, Albert B., 1929, Plants Used by the White Mountain Apache Indians of Arizona, Wisconsin Archeologist 8:143-61., page 150"} {"id": 44203, "species": {"value": 4234, "label": "Yucca schidigera Roezl ex Ortgies"}, "tribe": {"value": 24, "label": "Cahuilla"}, "source": {"value": 31, "label": "bs72"}, "pageno": "150", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Fiber used as starting material for baskets.", "rawsource": "Bean, Lowell John and Katherine Siva Saubel, 1972, Temalpakh (From the Earth); Cahuilla Indian Knowledge and Usage of Plants, Banning, CA. Malki Museum Press, page 150"} {"id": 39960, "species": {"value": 3951, "label": "Thuja plicata Donn ex D. Don"}, "tribe": {"value": 78, "label": "Gitksan"}, "source": {"value": 166, "label": "g92"}, "pageno": "152", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Inner bark strips used for basketry.", "rawsource": "Gottesfeld, Leslie M. J., 1992, The Importance of Bark Products in the Aboriginal Economies of Northwestern British Columbia, Canada, Economic Botany 46(2):148-157, page 152"} {"id": 39966, "species": {"value": 3951, "label": "Thuja plicata Donn ex D. Don"}, "tribe": {"value": 86, "label": "Haisla"}, "source": {"value": 166, "label": "g92"}, "pageno": "152", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Inner bark strips used for basketry.", "rawsource": "Gottesfeld, Leslie M. J., 1992, The Importance of Bark Products in the Aboriginal Economies of Northwestern British Columbia, Canada, Economic Botany 46(2):148-157, page 152"} {"id": 40289, "species": {"value": 3951, "label": "Thuja plicata Donn ex D. Don"}, "tribe": {"value": 278, "label": "Wet'suwet'en"}, "source": {"value": 166, "label": "g92"}, "pageno": "152", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Inner bark strips used for basketry.", "rawsource": "Gottesfeld, Leslie M. J., 1992, The Importance of Bark Products in the Aboriginal Economies of Northwestern British Columbia, Canada, Economic Botany 46(2):148-157, page 152"} {"id": 465, "species": {"value": 24, "label": "Acer glabrum var. douglasii (Hook.) Dippel"}, "tribe": {"value": 78, "label": "Gitksan"}, "source": {"value": 166, "label": "g92"}, "pageno": "153", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Inner bark used to make baskets.", "rawsource": "Gottesfeld, Leslie M. J., 1992, The Importance of Bark Products in the Aboriginal Economies of Northwestern British Columbia, Canada, Economic Botany 46(2):148-157, page 153"} {"id": 7202, "species": {"value": 580, "label": "Betula papyrifera Marsh."}, "tribe": {"value": 78, "label": "Gitksan"}, "source": {"value": 166, "label": "g92"}, "pageno": "154", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Bark used to make baskets.", "rawsource": "Gottesfeld, Leslie M. J., 1992, The Importance of Bark Products in the Aboriginal Economies of Northwestern British Columbia, Canada, Economic Botany 46(2):148-157, page 154"} {"id": 3875, "species": {"value": 298, "label": "Apocynum sp."}, "tribe": {"value": 1, "label": "Abnaki"}, "source": {"value": 84, "label": "r47"}, "pageno": "156", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Used to make baskets.", "rawsource": "Rousseau, Jacques, 1947, Ethnobotanique Abenakise, Archives de Folklore 11:145-182, page 156"} {"id": 7141, "species": {"value": 580, "label": "Betula papyrifera Marsh."}, "tribe": {"value": 1, "label": "Abnaki"}, "source": {"value": 84, "label": "r47"}, "pageno": "156", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Bark used to make baskets.", "rawsource": "Rousseau, Jacques, 1947, Ethnobotanique Abenakise, Archives de Folklore 11:145-182, page 156"} {"id": 19454, "species": {"value": 2093, "label": "Laportea canadensis (L.) Weddell"}, "tribe": {"value": 1, "label": "Abnaki"}, "source": {"value": 84, "label": "r47"}, "pageno": "156", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Used to make baskets.", "rawsource": "Rousseau, Jacques, 1947, Ethnobotanique Abenakise, Archives de Folklore 11:145-182, page 156"} {"id": 40384, "species": {"value": 3960, "label": "Tilia americana var. americana"}, "tribe": {"value": 1, "label": "Abnaki"}, "source": {"value": 84, "label": "r47"}, "pageno": "156", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Inner bark used to make baskets.", "rawsource": "Rousseau, Jacques, 1947, Ethnobotanique Abenakise, Archives de Folklore 11:145-182, page 156"} {"id": 15238, "species": {"value": 1659, "label": "Fraxinus nigra Marsh."}, "tribe": {"value": 1, "label": "Abnaki"}, "source": {"value": 84, "label": "r47"}, "pageno": "157", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Wood used to make baskets.", "rawsource": "Rousseau, Jacques, 1947, Ethnobotanique Abenakise, Archives de Folklore 11:145-182, page 157"} {"id": 2514, "species": {"value": 172, "label": "Alnus rubra Bong."}, "tribe": {"value": 105, "label": "Karok"}, "source": {"value": 70, "label": "b81"}, "pageno": "16", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Stems used in basketry.", "rawsource": "Baker, Marc A., 1981, The Ethnobotany of the Yurok, Tolowa and Karok Indians of Northwest California, Humboldt State University, M.A. Thesis, page 16"} {"id": 2593, "species": {"value": 172, "label": "Alnus rubra Bong."}, "tribe": {"value": 266, "label": "Tolowa"}, "source": {"value": 70, "label": "b81"}, "pageno": "16", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Stems used in basketry.", "rawsource": "Baker, Marc A., 1981, The Ethnobotany of the Yurok, Tolowa and Karok Indians of Northwest California, Humboldt State University, M.A. Thesis, page 16"} {"id": 2596, "species": {"value": 172, "label": "Alnus rubra Bong."}, "tribe": {"value": 289, "label": "Yurok"}, "source": {"value": 70, "label": "b81"}, "pageno": "16", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Stems used in basketry.", "rawsource": "Baker, Marc A., 1981, The Ethnobotany of the Yurok, Tolowa and Karok Indians of Northwest California, Humboldt State University, M.A. Thesis, page 16"} {"id": 12072, "species": {"value": 1237, "label": "Dasylirion wheeleri S. Wats."}, "tribe": {"value": 188, "label": "Papago"}, "source": {"value": 27, "label": "cu35"}, "pageno": "16", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Used as a source of basketry material.", "rawsource": "Castetter, Edward F. and Ruth M. Underhill, 1935, Ethnobiological Studies in the American Southwest II. The Ethnobiology of the Papago Indians, University of New Mexico Bulletin 4(3):1-84, page 16"} {"id": 33122, "species": {"value": 3352, "label": "Rhus trilobata Nutt."}, "tribe": {"value": 95, "label": "Hopi"}, "source": {"value": 72, "label": "f96"}, "pageno": "16", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Twigs used for coarse basketry.", "rawsource": "Fewkes, J. Walter, 1896, A Contribution to Ethnobotany, American Anthropologist 9:14-21, page 16"} {"id": 33085, "species": {"value": 3352, "label": "Rhus trilobata Nutt."}, "tribe": {"value": 15, "label": "Apache, White Mountain"}, "source": {"value": 45, "label": "r29"}, "pageno": "160", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Used in basket weaving.", "rawsource": "Reagan, Albert B., 1929, Plants Used by the White Mountain Apache Indians of Arizona, Wisconsin Archeologist 8:143-61., page 160"} {"id": 35919, "species": {"value": 3535, "label": "Salix irrorata Anderss."}, "tribe": {"value": 15, "label": "Apache, White Mountain"}, "source": {"value": 45, "label": "r29"}, "pageno": "160", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Split withes used to make baskets.", "rawsource": "Reagan, Albert B., 1929, Plants Used by the White Mountain Apache Indians of Arizona, Wisconsin Archeologist 8:143-61., page 160"} {"id": 37748, "species": {"value": 3655, "label": "Serenoa repens (Bartr.) Small"}, "tribe": {"value": 228, "label": "Seminole"}, "source": {"value": 88, "label": "s54"}, "pageno": "160", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Leaf stems used to make medicine baskets.", "rawsource": "Sturtevant, William, 1954, The Mikasuki Seminole: Medical Beliefs and Practices, Yale University, PhD Thesis, page 160"} {"id": 39972, "species": {"value": 3951, "label": "Thuja plicata Donn ex D. Don"}, "tribe": {"value": 87, "label": "Haisla and Hanaksiala"}, "source": {"value": 14, "label": "c93"}, "pageno": "162", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Bark used for basketry.", "rawsource": "Compton, Brian Douglas, 1993, Upper North Wakashan and Southern Tsimshian Ethnobotany: The Knowledge and Usage of Plants..., Ph.D. Dissertation, University of British Columbia, page 162"} {"id": 39973, "species": {"value": 3951, "label": "Thuja plicata Donn ex D. Don"}, "tribe": {"value": 87, "label": "Haisla and Hanaksiala"}, "source": {"value": 14, "label": "c93"}, "pageno": "162", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Branches used in basketry.", "rawsource": "Compton, Brian Douglas, 1993, Upper North Wakashan and Southern Tsimshian Ethnobotany: The Knowledge and Usage of Plants..., Ph.D. Dissertation, University of British Columbia, page 162"} {"id": 39974, "species": {"value": 3951, "label": "Thuja plicata Donn ex D. Don"}, "tribe": {"value": 87, "label": "Haisla and Hanaksiala"}, "source": {"value": 14, "label": "c93"}, "pageno": "162", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Roots used as the main structural elements in baskets.", "rawsource": "Compton, Brian Douglas, 1993, Upper North Wakashan and Southern Tsimshian Ethnobotany: The Knowledge and Usage of Plants..., Ph.D. Dissertation, University of British Columbia, page 162"} {"id": 36112, "species": {"value": 3551, "label": "Salix sp."}, "tribe": {"value": 1, "label": "Abnaki"}, "source": {"value": 84, "label": "r47"}, "pageno": "166", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Used to make baskets and whistles.", "rawsource": "Rousseau, Jacques, 1947, Ethnobotanique Abenakise, Archives de Folklore 11:145-182, page 166"} {"id": 13406, "species": {"value": 1422, "label": "Equisetum hyemale L."}, "tribe": {"value": 226, "label": "Sanpoil and Nespelem"}, "source": {"value": 32, "label": "tbk80"}, "pageno": "17", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Roots used to imbricate woven bags and baskets.", "rawsource": "Turner, Nancy J., R. Bouchard and Dorothy I.D. Kennedy, 1980, Ethnobotany of the Okanagan-Colville Indians of British Columbia and Washington, Victoria. British Columbia Provincial Museum, page 17"} {"id": 26599, "species": {"value": 2901, "label": "Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud."}, "tribe": {"value": 151, "label": "Montana Indian"}, "source": {"value": 73, "label": "b05"}, "pageno": "17", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Hard, hollow culms used for pipe stems, arrow shafts and in making baskets.", "rawsource": "Blankinship, J. W., 1905, Native Economic Plants of Montana, Bozeman. Montana Agricultural College Experimental Station, Bulletin 56, page 17"} {"id": 27252, "species": {"value": 2938, "label": "Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr."}, "tribe": {"value": 209, "label": "Quileute"}, "source": {"value": 25, "label": "g73"}, "pageno": "17", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Roots used for basketry.", "rawsource": "Gunther, Erna, 1973, Ethnobotany of Western Washington, Seattle. University of Washington Press. Revised edition, page 17"}