{"id": 2936, "species": {"value": 204, "label": "Amelanchier alnifolia (Nutt.) Nutt. ex M. Roemer"}, "tribe": {"value": 57, "label": "Cree, Plains"}, "source": {"value": 206, "label": "m40"}, "pageno": "202", "use_category": {"value": 1, "label": "Food"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 4, "label": "Dried Food"}, "notes": "Berries crushed, dried and stored for future use.", "rawsource": "Mandelbaum, David G., 1940, The Plains Cree, Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History 37:202-203, page 202"} {"id": 16511, "species": {"value": 1810, "label": "Hedysarum boreale Nutt."}, "tribe": {"value": 68, "label": "Eskimo, Arctic"}, "source": {"value": 205, "label": "p37"}, "pageno": "1", "use_category": {"value": 1, "label": "Food"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 5, "label": "Forage"}, "notes": "Roots eaten by the brown bears, meadow mice and lemmings.", "rawsource": "Porsild, A.E., 1937, Edible Roots and Berries of Northern Canada, Canada Department of Mines and Resources, National Museum of Canada, page 1"} {"id": 16512, "species": {"value": 1810, "label": "Hedysarum boreale Nutt."}, "tribe": {"value": 68, "label": "Eskimo, Arctic"}, "source": {"value": 205, "label": "p37"}, "pageno": "1", "use_category": {"value": 1, "label": "Food"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 31, "label": "Vegetable"}, "notes": "Roots located in mice 'caches' by dogs and eaten.", "rawsource": "Porsild, A.E., 1937, Edible Roots and Berries of Northern Canada, Canada Department of Mines and Resources, National Museum of Canada, page 1"} {"id": 15905, "species": {"value": 1735, "label": "Geum macrophyllum Willd."}, "tribe": {"value": 210, "label": "Quinault"}, "source": {"value": 204, "label": "w89"}, "pageno": "276", "use_category": {"value": 2, "label": "Drug"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 20, "label": "Panacea"}, "notes": "Leaves chewed as a universal remedy, 'good for everything.'", "rawsource": "Willoughby, C., 1889, Indians of the Quinaielt Agency, Washington Territory, Smithsonian Institution Annual Report for 1886, page 276"} {"id": 21203, "species": {"value": 2265, "label": "Lonicera involucrata Banks ex Spreng."}, "tribe": {"value": 210, "label": "Quinault"}, "source": {"value": 204, "label": "w89"}, "pageno": "276", "use_category": {"value": 2, "label": "Drug"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 8, "label": "Dermatological Aid"}, "notes": "Leaves chewed or rubbed on sores.", "rawsource": "Willoughby, C., 1889, Indians of the Quinaielt Agency, Washington Territory, Smithsonian Institution Annual Report for 1886, page 276"} {"id": 21205, "species": {"value": 2265, "label": "Lonicera involucrata Banks ex Spreng."}, "tribe": {"value": 210, "label": "Quinault"}, "source": {"value": 204, "label": "w89"}, "pageno": "276", "use_category": {"value": 2, "label": "Drug"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 23, "label": "Oral Aid"}, "notes": "Leaves chewed for sore mouth.", "rawsource": "Willoughby, C., 1889, Indians of the Quinaielt Agency, Washington Territory, Smithsonian Institution Annual Report for 1886, page 276"} {"id": 22058, "species": {"value": 2379, "label": "Maianthemum dilatatum (Wood) A. Nels. & J.F. Macbr."}, "tribe": {"value": 210, "label": "Quinault"}, "source": {"value": 204, "label": "w89"}, "pageno": "276", "use_category": {"value": 2, "label": "Drug"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 25, "label": "Eye Medicine"}, "notes": "Poultice of chewed roots applied to sore eyes.", "rawsource": "Willoughby, C., 1889, Indians of the Quinaielt Agency, Washington Territory, Smithsonian Institution Annual Report for 1886, page 276"} {"id": 1397, "species": {"value": 55, "label": "Acorus calamus L."}, "tribe": {"value": 280, "label": "Winnebago"}, "source": {"value": 203, "label": "r23"}, "pageno": "265", "use_category": {"value": 2, "label": "Drug"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 69, "label": "Tonic"}, "notes": "Complex compound injected via bird wing bone for general health.", "rawsource": "Radin, Paul, 1923, The Winnebago Tribe, SI-BAE Annual Report #37, page 265"} {"id": 33074, "species": {"value": 3351, "label": "Rhus sp."}, "tribe": {"value": 280, "label": "Winnebago"}, "source": {"value": 203, "label": "r23"}, "pageno": "265", "use_category": {"value": 2, "label": "Drug"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 68, "label": "Antidiarrheal"}, "notes": "Compound decoction of leaves taken as an antidiarrheal.", "rawsource": "Radin, Paul, 1923, The Winnebago Tribe, SI-BAE Annual Report #37, page 265"} {"id": 1445, "species": {"value": 61, "label": "Actaea rubra (Ait.) Willd."}, "tribe": {"value": 6, "label": "Algonquin"}, "source": {"value": 202, "label": "b36"}, "pageno": "142", "use_category": {"value": 2, "label": "Drug"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 6, "label": "Analgesic"}, "notes": "Used for stomach pains, in some seasons for males, other seasons for females.", "rawsource": "Bradley, Will T., 1936, Medical Practices of the New England Aborigines, Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association 25(2):138-147, page 142"} {"id": 18427, "species": {"value": 2054, "label": "Juniperus communis L."}, "tribe": {"value": 6, "label": "Algonquin"}, "source": {"value": 202, "label": "b36"}, "pageno": "142", "use_category": {"value": 2, "label": "Drug"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 18, "label": "Other"}, "notes": "Used for 'cold' conditions, since plant was regarded as 'hot.'", "rawsource": "Bradley, Will T., 1936, Medical Practices of the New England Aborigines, Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association 25(2):138-147, page 142"} {"id": 36932, "species": {"value": 3572, "label": "Sanguinaria canadensis L."}, "tribe": {"value": 6, "label": "Algonquin"}, "source": {"value": 202, "label": "b36"}, "pageno": "142", "use_category": {"value": 2, "label": "Drug"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 133, "label": "Love Medicine"}, "notes": "Used as a love charm and red dye for skin, clothing and weapons.", "rawsource": "Bradley, Will T., 1936, Medical Practices of the New England Aborigines, Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association 25(2):138-147, page 142"} {"id": 4476, "species": {"value": 343, "label": "Arctostaphylos pungens Kunth"}, "tribe": {"value": 284, "label": "Yavapai"}, "source": {"value": 201, "label": "g32"}, "pageno": "213", "use_category": {"value": 1, "label": "Food"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 27, "label": "Beverage"}, "notes": "Fresh or stored pulverized berries put in mouth, solid matter spat out and juice sucked. Sometimes the liquid was expressed by squeezing the moistened pulverized mass with the two hands.", "rawsource": "Gifford, E. W., 1932, The Southeastern Yavapai, University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 29:177-252, page 213"} {"id": 18241, "species": {"value": 2033, "label": "Juglans major (Torr.) Heller"}, "tribe": {"value": 284, "label": "Yavapai"}, "source": {"value": 201, "label": "g32"}, "pageno": "209", "use_category": {"value": 1, "label": "Food"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 27, "label": "Beverage"}, "notes": "Decoction of pulverized nut juice dipped up and sucked.", "rawsource": "Gifford, E. W., 1932, The Southeastern Yavapai, University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 29:177-252, page 209"} {"id": 18579, "species": {"value": 2056, "label": "Juniperus deppeana Steud."}, "tribe": {"value": 284, "label": "Yavapai"}, "source": {"value": 201, "label": "g32"}, "pageno": "212", "use_category": {"value": 1, "label": "Food"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 27, "label": "Beverage"}, "notes": "Pulverized berries soaked in water, put in mouth and juice sucked, the solid matter spat out.", "rawsource": "Gifford, E. W., 1932, The Southeastern Yavapai, University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 29:177-252, page 212"} {"id": 24373, "species": {"value": 2633, "label": "Olneya tesota Gray"}, "tribe": {"value": 284, "label": "Yavapai"}, "source": {"value": 201, "label": "g32"}, "pageno": "211", "use_category": {"value": 1, "label": "Food"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 2, "label": "Bread & Cake"}, "notes": "Dried, mashed, parched seeds ground into a meal and used to make greasy cakes.", "rawsource": "Gifford, E. W., 1932, The Southeastern Yavapai, University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 29:177-252, page 211"} {"id": 24374, "species": {"value": 2633, "label": "Olneya tesota Gray"}, "tribe": {"value": 284, "label": "Yavapai"}, "source": {"value": 201, "label": "g32"}, "pageno": "211", "use_category": {"value": 1, "label": "Food"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 75, "label": "Staple"}, "notes": "Dried, mashed, parched seeds ground into a meal and used to make greasy cakes.", "rawsource": "Gifford, E. W., 1932, The Southeastern Yavapai, University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 29:177-252, page 211"} {"id": 30044, "species": {"value": 3155, "label": "Prosopis glandulosa var. torreyana (L. Benson) M.C. Johnston"}, "tribe": {"value": 284, "label": "Yavapai"}, "source": {"value": 201, "label": "g32"}, "pageno": "211", "use_category": {"value": 1, "label": "Food"}, "use_subcategory": null, "notes": "Seeds used for food.", "rawsource": "Gifford, E. W., 1932, The Southeastern Yavapai, University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 29:177-252, page 211"} {"id": 33028, "species": {"value": 3350, "label": "Rhus ovata S. Wats."}, "tribe": {"value": 284, "label": "Yavapai"}, "source": {"value": 201, "label": "g32"}, "pageno": "212", "use_category": {"value": 1, "label": "Food"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 52, "label": "Fruit"}, "notes": "Mashed, raw berries used for food.", "rawsource": "Gifford, E. W., 1932, The Southeastern Yavapai, University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 29:177-252, page 212"} {"id": 38059, "species": {"value": 3688, "label": "Simmondsia chinensis (Link) Schneid."}, "tribe": {"value": 284, "label": "Yavapai"}, "source": {"value": 201, "label": "g32"}, "pageno": "211", "use_category": {"value": 2, "label": "Drug"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 29, "label": "Cathartic"}, "notes": "Plant yielded oily food with cathartic qualities.", "rawsource": "Gifford, E. W., 1932, The Southeastern Yavapai, University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 29:177-252, page 211"} {"id": 38060, "species": {"value": 3688, "label": "Simmondsia chinensis (Link) Schneid."}, "tribe": {"value": 284, "label": "Yavapai"}, "source": {"value": 201, "label": "g32"}, "pageno": "211", "use_category": {"value": 2, "label": "Drug"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 8, "label": "Dermatological Aid"}, "notes": "Parched, charred berry charcoal rubbed on sores.", "rawsource": "Gifford, E. W., 1932, The Southeastern Yavapai, University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 29:177-252, page 211"} {"id": 15139, "species": {"value": 1648, "label": "Frangula purshiana (DC.) Cooper"}, "tribe": {"value": 277, "label": "West Coast Indian"}, "source": {"value": 200, "label": "r34"}, "pageno": "133", "use_category": {"value": 2, "label": "Drug"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 29, "label": "Cathartic"}, "notes": "Infusion of root bark or bark taken as a cathartic.", "rawsource": "Reagan, Albert, 1934, Various Uses of Plants by West Coast Indians, Washington Historical Quarterly 25:133-37, page 133"} {"id": 15140, "species": {"value": 1648, "label": "Frangula purshiana (DC.) Cooper"}, "tribe": {"value": 277, "label": "West Coast Indian"}, "source": {"value": 200, "label": "r34"}, "pageno": "133", "use_category": {"value": 2, "label": "Drug"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 20, "label": "Panacea"}, "notes": "Infusion of root bark or bark taken for most any sort of disease.", "rawsource": "Reagan, Albert, 1934, Various Uses of Plants by West Coast Indians, Washington Historical Quarterly 25:133-37, page 133"} {"id": 15141, "species": {"value": 1648, "label": "Frangula purshiana (DC.) Cooper"}, "tribe": {"value": 277, "label": "West Coast Indian"}, "source": {"value": 200, "label": "r34"}, "pageno": "133", "use_category": {"value": 2, "label": "Drug"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 13, "label": "Poison"}, "notes": "Infusion of root bark or bark taken in large doses caused death.", "rawsource": "Reagan, Albert, 1934, Various Uses of Plants by West Coast Indians, Washington Historical Quarterly 25:133-37, page 133"} {"id": 15142, "species": {"value": 1648, "label": "Frangula purshiana (DC.) Cooper"}, "tribe": {"value": 277, "label": "West Coast Indian"}, "source": {"value": 200, "label": "r34"}, "pageno": "133", "use_category": {"value": 2, "label": "Drug"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 46, "label": "Venereal Aid"}, "notes": "Infusion of root bark or bark taken for gonorrhea.", "rawsource": "Reagan, Albert, 1934, Various Uses of Plants by West Coast Indians, Washington Historical Quarterly 25:133-37, page 133"} {"id": 8889, "species": {"value": 838, "label": "Cercis canadensis var. texensis (S. Wats.) M. Hopkins"}, "tribe": {"value": 287, "label": "Yuki"}, "source": {"value": 199, "label": "k30"}, "pageno": "423", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Used as basket material.", "rawsource": "Kelly, Isabel T., 1930, Yuki Basketry, University of Calfornia Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 24:421-444, page 423"} {"id": 8890, "species": {"value": 838, "label": "Cercis canadensis var. texensis (S. Wats.) M. Hopkins"}, "tribe": {"value": 287, "label": "Yuki"}, "source": {"value": 199, "label": "k30"}, "pageno": "423", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 102, "label": "Sewing Material"}, "notes": "Wood, sapwood and roots used for sewing material.", "rawsource": "Kelly, Isabel T., 1930, Yuki Basketry, University of Calfornia Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 24:421-444, page 423"} {"id": 11148, "species": {"value": 1103, "label": "Cornus sp."}, "tribe": {"value": 287, "label": "Yuki"}, "source": {"value": 199, "label": "k30"}, "pageno": "423", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Used as basket material.", "rawsource": "Kelly, Isabel T., 1930, Yuki Basketry, University of Calfornia Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 24:421-444, page 423"} {"id": 11316, "species": {"value": 1113, "label": "Corylus cornuta var. cornuta"}, "tribe": {"value": 287, "label": "Yuki"}, "source": {"value": 199, "label": "k30"}, "pageno": "423", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Used as basket material.", "rawsource": "Kelly, Isabel T., 1930, Yuki Basketry, University of Calfornia Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 24:421-444, page 423"} {"id": 36337, "species": {"value": 3551, "label": "Salix sp."}, "tribe": {"value": 287, "label": "Yuki"}, "source": {"value": 199, "label": "k30"}, "pageno": "423", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 43, "label": "Basketry"}, "notes": "Used as basket material.", "rawsource": "Kelly, Isabel T., 1930, Yuki Basketry, University of Calfornia Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 24:421-444, page 423"} {"id": 27894, "species": {"value": 2965, "label": "Pinus monophylla Torr. & Fr\u201am."}, "tribe": {"value": 276, "label": "Washo"}, "source": {"value": 198, "label": "b17"}, "pageno": "13", "use_category": {"value": 1, "label": "Food"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 4, "label": "Dried Food"}, "notes": "Roasted nuts eaten fresh or stored for later use.", "rawsource": "Barrett, S. A., 1917, The Washoe Indians, Bulletin of the Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee 2(1):1-52, page 13"} {"id": 27895, "species": {"value": 2965, "label": "Pinus monophylla Torr. & Fr\u201am."}, "tribe": {"value": 276, "label": "Washo"}, "source": {"value": 198, "label": "b17"}, "pageno": "14", "use_category": {"value": 1, "label": "Food"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 44, "label": "Porridge"}, "notes": "Nuts used to make mush.", "rawsource": "Barrett, S. A., 1917, The Washoe Indians, Bulletin of the Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee 2(1):1-52, page 14"} {"id": 1596, "species": {"value": 72, "label": "Adiantum sp."}, "tribe": {"value": 16, "label": "Apalachee"}, "source": {"value": 197, "label": "hann86"}, "pageno": "98", "use_category": {"value": 2, "label": "Drug"}, "use_subcategory": null, "notes": "Plant water used for medicinal purposes.", "rawsource": "Hann, John H., 1986, The Use and Processing of Plants by Indians of Spanish Florida, Southeastern Archaeology 5(2):1-102, page 98"} {"id": 10055, "species": {"value": 978, "label": "Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsumura & Nakai"}, "tribe": {"value": 16, "label": "Apalachee"}, "source": {"value": 197, "label": "hann86"}, "pageno": "98", "use_category": {"value": 1, "label": "Food"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 52, "label": "Fruit"}, "notes": "Fruit used for food.", "rawsource": "Hann, John H., 1986, The Use and Processing of Plants by Indians of Spanish Florida, Southeastern Archaeology 5(2):1-102, page 98"} {"id": 11759, "species": {"value": 1167, "label": "Cuminum cyminum L."}, "tribe": {"value": 16, "label": "Apalachee"}, "source": {"value": 197, "label": "hann86"}, "pageno": "98", "use_category": {"value": 2, "label": "Drug"}, "use_subcategory": null, "notes": "Plant water used for medicinal purposes.", "rawsource": "Hann, John H., 1986, The Use and Processing of Plants by Indians of Spanish Florida, Southeastern Archaeology 5(2):1-102, page 98"} {"id": 23910, "species": {"value": 2585, "label": "Nicotiana rustica L."}, "tribe": {"value": 16, "label": "Apalachee"}, "source": {"value": 197, "label": "hann86"}, "pageno": "97", "use_category": {"value": 3, "label": "Other"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 132, "label": "Cash Crop"}, "notes": "Plant cultivated and sold.", "rawsource": "Hann, John H., 1986, The Use and Processing of Plants by Indians of Spanish Florida, Southeastern Archaeology 5(2):1-102, page 97"} {"id": 23911, "species": {"value": 2585, "label": "Nicotiana rustica L."}, "tribe": {"value": 16, "label": "Apalachee"}, "source": {"value": 197, "label": "hann86"}, "pageno": "97", "use_category": {"value": 3, "label": "Other"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 63, "label": "Smoke Plant"}, "notes": "Plant smoked in the pre-ballgame rituals.", "rawsource": "Hann, John H., 1986, The Use and Processing of Plants by Indians of Spanish Florida, Southeastern Archaeology 5(2):1-102, page 97"} {"id": 35159, "species": {"value": 3479, "label": "Rumex acetosa L."}, "tribe": {"value": 16, "label": "Apalachee"}, "source": {"value": 197, "label": "hann86"}, "pageno": "98", "use_category": {"value": 2, "label": "Drug"}, "use_subcategory": null, "notes": "Plant water used for medicinal purposes.", "rawsource": "Hann, John H., 1986, The Use and Processing of Plants by Indians of Spanish Florida, Southeastern Archaeology 5(2):1-102, page 98"} {"id": 40639, "species": {"value": 4013, "label": "Trifolium sp."}, "tribe": {"value": 16, "label": "Apalachee"}, "source": {"value": 197, "label": "hann86"}, "pageno": "98", "use_category": {"value": 2, "label": "Drug"}, "use_subcategory": null, "notes": "Plant water used for medicinal purposes.", "rawsource": "Hann, John H., 1986, The Use and Processing of Plants by Indians of Spanish Florida, Southeastern Archaeology 5(2):1-102, page 98"} {"id": 29990, "species": {"value": 3154, "label": "Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa"}, "tribe": {"value": 147, "label": "Mohave"}, "source": {"value": 196, "label": "s65"}, "pageno": "46", "use_category": {"value": 1, "label": "Food"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 2, "label": "Bread & Cake"}, "notes": "Dried bean pods ground into a meal and used to make cakes.", "rawsource": "Stewart, Kenneth M., 1965, Mohave Indian Gathering of Wild Plants, Kiva 31(1):46-53, page 46"} {"id": 29991, "species": {"value": 3154, "label": "Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa"}, "tribe": {"value": 147, "label": "Mohave"}, "source": {"value": 196, "label": "s65"}, "pageno": "46", "use_category": {"value": 1, "label": "Food"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 4, "label": "Dried Food"}, "notes": "Beans dried and stored in giant basket granaries for winter use.", "rawsource": "Stewart, Kenneth M., 1965, Mohave Indian Gathering of Wild Plants, Kiva 31(1):46-53, page 46"} {"id": 29992, "species": {"value": 3154, "label": "Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa"}, "tribe": {"value": 147, "label": "Mohave"}, "source": {"value": 196, "label": "s65"}, "pageno": "46", "use_category": {"value": 1, "label": "Food"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 31, "label": "Vegetable"}, "notes": "Beans eaten raw or roasted.", "rawsource": "Stewart, Kenneth M., 1965, Mohave Indian Gathering of Wild Plants, Kiva 31(1):46-53, page 46"} {"id": 30072, "species": {"value": 3156, "label": "Prosopis pubescens Benth."}, "tribe": {"value": 147, "label": "Mohave"}, "source": {"value": 196, "label": "s65"}, "pageno": "46", "use_category": {"value": 1, "label": "Food"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 27, "label": "Beverage"}, "notes": "Bean pods rotted in a pit for a month, dried, ground into a flour and used to make a drink.", "rawsource": "Stewart, Kenneth M., 1965, Mohave Indian Gathering of Wild Plants, Kiva 31(1):46-53, page 46"} {"id": 30073, "species": {"value": 3156, "label": "Prosopis pubescens Benth."}, "tribe": {"value": 147, "label": "Mohave"}, "source": {"value": 196, "label": "s65"}, "pageno": "46", "use_category": {"value": 1, "label": "Food"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 31, "label": "Vegetable"}, "notes": "Bean pods used for food.", "rawsource": "Stewart, Kenneth M., 1965, Mohave Indian Gathering of Wild Plants, Kiva 31(1):46-53, page 46"} {"id": 1853, "species": {"value": 96, "label": "Agave sp."}, "tribe": {"value": 157, "label": "Navajo"}, "source": {"value": 195, "label": "b65"}, "pageno": "94", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 99, "label": "Cordage"}, "notes": "Plant fibers used to make rope.", "rawsource": "Brugge, David M., 1965, Navajo Use of Agave, Kiva 31(2):88-98, page 94"} {"id": 1854, "species": {"value": 96, "label": "Agave sp."}, "tribe": {"value": 157, "label": "Navajo"}, "source": {"value": 195, "label": "b65"}, "pageno": "94", "use_category": {"value": 1, "label": "Food"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 27, "label": "Beverage"}, "notes": "Juice squeezed from baked fibers and drunk.", "rawsource": "Brugge, David M., 1965, Navajo Use of Agave, Kiva 31(2):88-98, page 94"} {"id": 1855, "species": {"value": 96, "label": "Agave sp."}, "tribe": {"value": 157, "label": "Navajo"}, "source": {"value": 195, "label": "b65"}, "pageno": "94", "use_category": {"value": 1, "label": "Food"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 4, "label": "Dried Food"}, "notes": "Heads baked or boiled, pounded into flat sheets, sun dried and stored for future use.", "rawsource": "Brugge, David M., 1965, Navajo Use of Agave, Kiva 31(2):88-98, page 94"} {"id": 1856, "species": {"value": 96, "label": "Agave sp."}, "tribe": {"value": 157, "label": "Navajo"}, "source": {"value": 195, "label": "b65"}, "pageno": "94", "use_category": {"value": 1, "label": "Food"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 44, "label": "Porridge"}, "notes": "Dried, baked heads boiled and made into a 'paste.'", "rawsource": "Brugge, David M., 1965, Navajo Use of Agave, Kiva 31(2):88-98, page 94"} {"id": 1857, "species": {"value": 96, "label": "Agave sp."}, "tribe": {"value": 157, "label": "Navajo"}, "source": {"value": 195, "label": "b65"}, "pageno": "94", "use_category": {"value": 1, "label": "Food"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 56, "label": "Soup"}, "notes": "Dried, baked heads boiled and made into soup.", "rawsource": "Brugge, David M., 1965, Navajo Use of Agave, Kiva 31(2):88-98, page 94"} {"id": 1858, "species": {"value": 96, "label": "Agave sp."}, "tribe": {"value": 157, "label": "Navajo"}, "source": {"value": 195, "label": "b65"}, "pageno": "94", "use_category": {"value": 1, "label": "Food"}, "use_subcategory": null, "notes": "Heads baked and eaten.", "rawsource": "Brugge, David M., 1965, Navajo Use of Agave, Kiva 31(2):88-98, page 94"} {"id": 1859, "species": {"value": 96, "label": "Agave sp."}, "tribe": {"value": 157, "label": "Navajo"}, "source": {"value": 195, "label": "b65"}, "pageno": "94", "use_category": {"value": 1, "label": "Food"}, "use_subcategory": null, "notes": "Leaves boiled and eaten.", "rawsource": "Brugge, David M., 1965, Navajo Use of Agave, Kiva 31(2):88-98, page 94"} {"id": 1860, "species": {"value": 96, "label": "Agave sp."}, "tribe": {"value": 157, "label": "Navajo"}, "source": {"value": 195, "label": "b65"}, "pageno": "94", "use_category": {"value": 1, "label": "Food"}, "use_subcategory": null, "notes": "Young and tender flowering stalks and shoots roasted and eaten.", "rawsource": "Brugge, David M., 1965, Navajo Use of Agave, Kiva 31(2):88-98, page 94"} {"id": 1861, "species": {"value": 96, "label": "Agave sp."}, "tribe": {"value": 157, "label": "Navajo"}, "source": {"value": 195, "label": "b65"}, "pageno": "91", "use_category": {"value": 3, "label": "Other"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 33, "label": "Cooking Tools"}, "notes": "Leaves used to line the baking pits.", "rawsource": "Brugge, David M., 1965, Navajo Use of Agave, Kiva 31(2):88-98, page 91"} {"id": 1862, "species": {"value": 96, "label": "Agave sp."}, "tribe": {"value": 157, "label": "Navajo"}, "source": {"value": 195, "label": "b65"}, "pageno": "94", "use_category": {"value": 3, "label": "Other"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 17, "label": "Tools"}, "notes": "Sharp pointed leaf tips used to make basketry awls.", "rawsource": "Brugge, David M., 1965, Navajo Use of Agave, Kiva 31(2):88-98, page 94"} {"id": 1095, "species": {"value": 44, "label": "Achillea sp."}, "tribe": {"value": 5, "label": "Aleut"}, "source": {"value": 194, "label": "bt51"}, "pageno": "29", "use_category": {"value": 1, "label": "Food"}, "use_subcategory": null, "notes": "Species used for food.", "rawsource": "Bank, II, Theodore P., 1951, Botanical and Ethnobotanical Studies in the Aleutian Islands I. Aleutian Vegetation and Aleut Culture, Botanical and Ethnobotanical Studies Papers, Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters, page 29"} {"id": 1165, "species": {"value": 54, "label": "Aconitum sp."}, "tribe": {"value": 5, "label": "Aleut"}, "source": {"value": 194, "label": "bt51"}, "pageno": "29", "use_category": {"value": 2, "label": "Drug"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 13, "label": "Poison"}, "notes": "Used for fish and whale poison.", "rawsource": "Bank, II, Theodore P., 1951, Botanical and Ethnobotanical Studies in the Aleutian Islands I. Aleutian Vegetation and Aleut Culture, Botanical and Ethnobotanical Studies Papers, Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters, page 29"} {"id": 3543, "species": {"value": 267, "label": "Angelica sp."}, "tribe": {"value": 5, "label": "Aleut"}, "source": {"value": 194, "label": "bt51"}, "pageno": "29", "use_category": {"value": 1, "label": "Food"}, "use_subcategory": null, "notes": "Species used for food.", "rawsource": "Bank, II, Theodore P., 1951, Botanical and Ethnobotanical Studies in the Aleutian Islands I. Aleutian Vegetation and Aleut Culture, Botanical and Ethnobotanical Studies Papers, Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters, page 29"} {"id": 7808, "species": {"value": 687, "label": "Caltha sp."}, "tribe": {"value": 5, "label": "Aleut"}, "source": {"value": 194, "label": "bt51"}, "pageno": "29", "use_category": {"value": 2, "label": "Drug"}, "use_subcategory": null, "notes": "Used medicinally.", "rawsource": "Bank, II, Theodore P., 1951, Botanical and Ethnobotanical Studies in the Aleutian Islands I. Aleutian Vegetation and Aleut Culture, Botanical and Ethnobotanical Studies Papers, Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters, page 29"} {"id": 10177, "species": {"value": 1009, "label": "Claytonia sp."}, "tribe": {"value": 5, "label": "Aleut"}, "source": {"value": 194, "label": "bt51"}, "pageno": "29", "use_category": {"value": 1, "label": "Food"}, "use_subcategory": null, "notes": "Species used for food.", "rawsource": "Bank, II, Theodore P., 1951, Botanical and Ethnobotanical Studies in the Aleutian Islands I. Aleutian Vegetation and Aleut Culture, Botanical and Ethnobotanical Studies Papers, Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters, page 29"} {"id": 10425, "species": {"value": 1039, "label": "Cochlearia sp."}, "tribe": {"value": 5, "label": "Aleut"}, "source": {"value": 194, "label": "bt51"}, "pageno": "29", "use_category": {"value": 1, "label": "Food"}, "use_subcategory": null, "notes": "Species used for food.", "rawsource": "Bank, II, Theodore P., 1951, Botanical and Ethnobotanical Studies in the Aleutian Islands I. Aleutian Vegetation and Aleut Culture, Botanical and Ethnobotanical Studies Papers, Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters, page 29"} {"id": 10574, "species": {"value": 1061, "label": "Conioselinum sp."}, "tribe": {"value": 5, "label": "Aleut"}, "source": {"value": 194, "label": "bt51"}, "pageno": "29", "use_category": {"value": 1, "label": "Food"}, "use_subcategory": null, "notes": "Species used for food.", "rawsource": "Bank, II, Theodore P., 1951, Botanical and Ethnobotanical Studies in the Aleutian Islands I. Aleutian Vegetation and Aleut Culture, Botanical and Ethnobotanical Studies Papers, Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters, page 29"} {"id": 13055, "species": {"value": 1391, "label": "Elymus sp."}, "tribe": {"value": 5, "label": "Aleut"}, "source": {"value": 194, "label": "bt51"}, "pageno": "29", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 372, "label": "Other"}, "notes": "Used for weaving.", "rawsource": "Bank, II, Theodore P., 1951, Botanical and Ethnobotanical Studies in the Aleutian Islands I. Aleutian Vegetation and Aleut Culture, Botanical and Ethnobotanical Studies Papers, Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters, page 29"} {"id": 16962, "species": {"value": 1852, "label": "Heracleum sp."}, "tribe": {"value": 5, "label": "Aleut"}, "source": {"value": 194, "label": "bt51"}, "pageno": "29", "use_category": {"value": 1, "label": "Food"}, "use_subcategory": null, "notes": "Species used for food.", "rawsource": "Bank, II, Theodore P., 1951, Botanical and Ethnobotanical Studies in the Aleutian Islands I. Aleutian Vegetation and Aleut Culture, Botanical and Ethnobotanical Studies Papers, Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters, page 29"} {"id": 19727, "species": {"value": 2115, "label": "Lathyrus sp."}, "tribe": {"value": 5, "label": "Aleut"}, "source": {"value": 194, "label": "bt51"}, "pageno": "29", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 371, "label": "Other"}, "notes": "Used for weaving.", "rawsource": "Bank, II, Theodore P., 1951, Botanical and Ethnobotanical Studies in the Aleutian Islands I. Aleutian Vegetation and Aleut Culture, Botanical and Ethnobotanical Studies Papers, Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters, page 29"} {"id": 22526, "species": {"value": 2424, "label": "Matricaria sp."}, "tribe": {"value": 5, "label": "Aleut"}, "source": {"value": 194, "label": "bt51"}, "pageno": "29", "use_category": {"value": 2, "label": "Drug"}, "use_subcategory": null, "notes": "Used medicinally.", "rawsource": "Bank, II, Theodore P., 1951, Botanical and Ethnobotanical Studies in the Aleutian Islands I. Aleutian Vegetation and Aleut Culture, Botanical and Ethnobotanical Studies Papers, Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters, page 29"} {"id": 22938, "species": {"value": 2461, "label": "Menyanthes sp."}, "tribe": {"value": 5, "label": "Aleut"}, "source": {"value": 194, "label": "bt51"}, "pageno": "29", "use_category": {"value": 2, "label": "Drug"}, "use_subcategory": null, "notes": "Used medicinally.", "rawsource": "Bank, II, Theodore P., 1951, Botanical and Ethnobotanical Studies in the Aleutian Islands I. Aleutian Vegetation and Aleut Culture, Botanical and Ethnobotanical Studies Papers, Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters, page 29"} {"id": 37683, "species": {"value": 3646, "label": "Senecio sp."}, "tribe": {"value": 5, "label": "Aleut"}, "source": {"value": 194, "label": "bt51"}, "pageno": "29", "use_category": {"value": 1, "label": "Food"}, "use_subcategory": null, "notes": "Species used for food.", "rawsource": "Bank, II, Theodore P., 1951, Botanical and Ethnobotanical Studies in the Aleutian Islands I. Aleutian Vegetation and Aleut Culture, Botanical and Ethnobotanical Studies Papers, Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters, page 29"} {"id": 39601, "species": {"value": 3904, "label": "Taxus cuspidata Sieb. & Zucc."}, "tribe": {"value": 5, "label": "Aleut"}, "source": {"value": 194, "label": "bt51"}, "pageno": "29", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 70, "label": "Canoe Material"}, "notes": "Drift wood bent into ribs for boats.", "rawsource": "Bank, II, Theodore P., 1951, Botanical and Ethnobotanical Studies in the Aleutian Islands I. Aleutian Vegetation and Aleut Culture, Botanical and Ethnobotanical Studies Papers, Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters, page 29"} {"id": 28905, "species": {"value": 3058, "label": "Polygonum bistorta L."}, "tribe": {"value": 5, "label": "Aleut"}, "source": {"value": 193, "label": "ven40"}, "pageno": "263", "use_category": {"value": 2, "label": "Drug"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 69, "label": "Tonic"}, "notes": "Root used as a tonic.", "rawsource": "Veniamenov, I., 1840, Notes on the Islands in the Unalaska District, St. Petersburg -- Translated by HRAF, page 263"} {"id": 34384, "species": {"value": 3445, "label": "Rubus chamaemorus L."}, "tribe": {"value": 66, "label": "Eskimo"}, "source": {"value": 192, "label": "t90"}, "pageno": "233", "use_category": {"value": 1, "label": "Food"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 52, "label": "Fruit"}, "notes": "Fruits eaten for food.", "rawsource": "Turner, Lucien M., 1890, Ethnology of the Ungava District, Hudson Bay Territory, SI-BAE Annual Report #11:159-350, page 233"} {"id": 1126, "species": {"value": 46, "label": "Achnatherum hymenoides (Roemer & J.A. Schultes) Barkworth"}, "tribe": {"value": 95, "label": "Hopi"}, "source": {"value": 191, "label": "j38"}, "pageno": "43", "use_category": {"value": 1, "label": "Food"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 113, "label": "Starvation Food"}, "notes": "Plants formerly used for food during famines.", "rawsource": "Jones, Volney H., 1938, An Ancient Food Plant of the Southwest and Plateau Regions, El Palacio 44:41-53, page 43"} {"id": 1127, "species": {"value": 46, "label": "Achnatherum hymenoides (Roemer & J.A. Schultes) Barkworth"}, "tribe": {"value": 95, "label": "Hopi"}, "source": {"value": 191, "label": "j38"}, "pageno": "43", "use_category": {"value": 1, "label": "Food"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 113, "label": "Starvation Food"}, "notes": "Plants formerly used for food during famines.", "rawsource": "Jones, Volney H., 1938, An Ancient Food Plant of the Southwest and Plateau Regions, El Palacio 44:41-53, page 43"} {"id": 1128, "species": {"value": 46, "label": "Achnatherum hymenoides (Roemer & J.A. Schultes) Barkworth"}, "tribe": {"value": 95, "label": "Hopi"}, "source": {"value": 191, "label": "j38"}, "pageno": "43", "use_category": {"value": 1, "label": "Food"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 113, "label": "Starvation Food"}, "notes": "Plants formerly used for food during famines.", "rawsource": "Jones, Volney H., 1938, An Ancient Food Plant of the Southwest and Plateau Regions, El Palacio 44:41-53, page 43"} {"id": 1129, "species": {"value": 46, "label": "Achnatherum hymenoides (Roemer & J.A. Schultes) Barkworth"}, "tribe": {"value": 95, "label": "Hopi"}, "source": {"value": 191, "label": "j38"}, "pageno": "43", "use_category": {"value": 1, "label": "Food"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 113, "label": "Starvation Food"}, "notes": "Plants formerly used for food during famines.", "rawsource": "Jones, Volney H., 1938, An Ancient Food Plant of the Southwest and Plateau Regions, El Palacio 44:41-53, page 43"} {"id": 1130, "species": {"value": 46, "label": "Achnatherum hymenoides (Roemer & J.A. Schultes) Barkworth"}, "tribe": {"value": 95, "label": "Hopi"}, "source": {"value": 191, "label": "j38"}, "pageno": "43", "use_category": {"value": 1, "label": "Food"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 113, "label": "Starvation Food"}, "notes": "Plants formerly used for food during famines.", "rawsource": "Jones, Volney H., 1938, An Ancient Food Plant of the Southwest and Plateau Regions, El Palacio 44:41-53, page 43"} {"id": 12811, "species": {"value": 1348, "label": "Echinacea angustifolia DC."}, "tribe": {"value": 240, "label": "Sioux, Teton"}, "source": {"value": 190, "label": "d18"}, "pageno": "270", "use_category": {"value": 2, "label": "Drug"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 6, "label": "Analgesic"}, "notes": "Root used for bowel pain.", "rawsource": "Densmore, Frances, 1918, Teton Sioux Music, SI-BAE Bulletin #61, page 270"} {"id": 12812, "species": {"value": 1348, "label": "Echinacea angustifolia DC."}, "tribe": {"value": 240, "label": "Sioux, Teton"}, "source": {"value": 190, "label": "d18"}, "pageno": "270", "use_category": {"value": 2, "label": "Drug"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 14, "label": "Gastrointestinal Aid"}, "notes": "Root used for bowel pain.", "rawsource": "Densmore, Frances, 1918, Teton Sioux Music, SI-BAE Bulletin #61, page 270"} {"id": 12813, "species": {"value": 1348, "label": "Echinacea angustifolia DC."}, "tribe": {"value": 240, "label": "Sioux, Teton"}, "source": {"value": 190, "label": "d18"}, "pageno": "270", "use_category": {"value": 2, "label": "Drug"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 123, "label": "Throat Aid"}, "notes": "Root used for tonsillitis.", "rawsource": "Densmore, Frances, 1918, Teton Sioux Music, SI-BAE Bulletin #61, page 270"} {"id": 12814, "species": {"value": 1348, "label": "Echinacea angustifolia DC."}, "tribe": {"value": 240, "label": "Sioux, Teton"}, "source": {"value": 190, "label": "d18"}, "pageno": "270", "use_category": {"value": 2, "label": "Drug"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 71, "label": "Toothache Remedy"}, "notes": "Root used as toothache remedy.", "rawsource": "Densmore, Frances, 1918, Teton Sioux Music, SI-BAE Bulletin #61, page 270"} {"id": 14315, "species": {"value": 1554, "label": "Erysimum capitatum var. capitatum"}, "tribe": {"value": 240, "label": "Sioux, Teton"}, "source": {"value": 190, "label": "d18"}, "pageno": "269", "use_category": {"value": 2, "label": "Drug"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 6, "label": "Analgesic"}, "notes": "Infusion of crushed seed taken and used externally for stomach or bowel cramps.", "rawsource": "Densmore, Frances, 1918, Teton Sioux Music, SI-BAE Bulletin #61, page 269"} {"id": 14316, "species": {"value": 1554, "label": "Erysimum capitatum var. capitatum"}, "tribe": {"value": 240, "label": "Sioux, Teton"}, "source": {"value": 190, "label": "d18"}, "pageno": "269", "use_category": {"value": 2, "label": "Drug"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 14, "label": "Gastrointestinal Aid"}, "notes": "Infusion of crushed seeds used for stomach or bowel cramps.", "rawsource": "Densmore, Frances, 1918, Teton Sioux Music, SI-BAE Bulletin #61, page 269"} {"id": 17043, "species": {"value": 1866, "label": "Heuchera americana var. hispida (Pursh) E. Wells"}, "tribe": {"value": 240, "label": "Sioux, Teton"}, "source": {"value": 190, "label": "d18"}, "pageno": "269", "use_category": {"value": 2, "label": "Drug"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 68, "label": "Antidiarrheal"}, "notes": "Root, very powerful and small dose for children, used for chronic diarrhea.", "rawsource": "Densmore, Frances, 1918, Teton Sioux Music, SI-BAE Bulletin #61, page 269"} {"id": 20591, "species": {"value": 2216, "label": "Lithospermum incisum Lehm."}, "tribe": {"value": 240, "label": "Sioux, Teton"}, "source": {"value": 190, "label": "d18"}, "pageno": "269270", "use_category": {"value": 2, "label": "Drug"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 48, "label": "Pulmonary Aid"}, "notes": "Fragrant herb used for lung hemorrhages.", "rawsource": "Densmore, Frances, 1918, Teton Sioux Music, SI-BAE Bulletin #61, page 269270"} {"id": 23075, "species": {"value": 2490, "label": "Mirabilis nyctaginea (Michx.) MacM."}, "tribe": {"value": 240, "label": "Sioux, Teton"}, "source": {"value": 190, "label": "d18"}, "pageno": "270", "use_category": {"value": 2, "label": "Drug"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 8, "label": "Dermatological Aid"}, "notes": "Moistened, grated root rubbed on skin for swelling.", "rawsource": "Densmore, Frances, 1918, Teton Sioux Music, SI-BAE Bulletin #61, page 270"} {"id": 23076, "species": {"value": 2490, "label": "Mirabilis nyctaginea (Michx.) MacM."}, "tribe": {"value": 240, "label": "Sioux, Teton"}, "source": {"value": 190, "label": "d18"}, "pageno": "270", "use_category": {"value": 2, "label": "Drug"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 39, "label": "Orthopedic Aid"}, "notes": "Herb used externally for broken bones.", "rawsource": "Densmore, Frances, 1918, Teton Sioux Music, SI-BAE Bulletin #61, page 270"} {"id": 23256, "species": {"value": 2504, "label": "Monarda fistulosa L."}, "tribe": {"value": 240, "label": "Sioux, Teton"}, "source": {"value": 190, "label": "d18"}, "pageno": "270", "use_category": {"value": 2, "label": "Drug"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 21, "label": "Cold Remedy"}, "notes": "Infusion of blossoms used for 'hard cold.'", "rawsource": "Densmore, Frances, 1918, Teton Sioux Music, SI-BAE Bulletin #61, page 270"} {"id": 23257, "species": {"value": 2504, "label": "Monarda fistulosa L."}, "tribe": {"value": 240, "label": "Sioux, Teton"}, "source": {"value": 190, "label": "d18"}, "pageno": "270", "use_category": {"value": 2, "label": "Drug"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 45, "label": "Febrifuge"}, "notes": "Infusion of blossoms used for fever.", "rawsource": "Densmore, Frances, 1918, Teton Sioux Music, SI-BAE Bulletin #61, page 270"} {"id": 5169, "species": {"value": 395, "label": "Artemisia dracunculus L."}, "tribe": {"value": 205, "label": "Ponca"}, "source": {"value": 189, "label": "h65"}, "pageno": "152", "use_category": {"value": 2, "label": "Drug"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 82, "label": "Burn Dressing"}, "notes": "Decoction of plant taken and used as a wash for burns.", "rawsource": "Howard, James, 1965, The Ponca Tribe, SI-BAE Bulletin #195, page 152"} {"id": 9229, "species": {"value": 879, "label": "Chamaesyce serpyllifolia (Pers.) Small"}, "tribe": {"value": 205, "label": "Ponca"}, "source": {"value": 189, "label": "h65"}, "pageno": "151", "use_category": {"value": 2, "label": "Drug"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 22, "label": "Gynecological Aid"}, "notes": "Decoction of plant taken by young mothers for scanty or lack of milk.", "rawsource": "Howard, James, 1965, The Ponca Tribe, SI-BAE Bulletin #195, page 151"} {"id": 10814, "species": {"value": 1089, "label": "Cornus amomum P. Mill."}, "tribe": {"value": 205, "label": "Ponca"}, "source": {"value": 189, "label": "h65"}, "pageno": "47", "use_category": {"value": 3, "label": "Other"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 63, "label": "Smoke Plant"}, "notes": "Inner bark used as an additive to tobacco.", "rawsource": "Howard, James, 1965, The Ponca Tribe, SI-BAE Bulletin #195, page 47"} {"id": 21260, "species": {"value": 2271, "label": "Lophophora williamsii (Lem. ex Salm-Dyck) Coult."}, "tribe": {"value": 205, "label": "Ponca"}, "source": {"value": 189, "label": "h65"}, "pageno": "48", "use_category": {"value": 2, "label": "Drug"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 153, "label": "Hallucinogen"}, "notes": "Dried flesh 'buttons' eaten to cause auditory and visual hallucinations.", "rawsource": "Howard, James, 1965, The Ponca Tribe, SI-BAE Bulletin #195, page 48"} {"id": 21261, "species": {"value": 2271, "label": "Lophophora williamsii (Lem. ex Salm-Dyck) Coult."}, "tribe": {"value": 205, "label": "Ponca"}, "source": {"value": 189, "label": "h65"}, "pageno": "48", "use_category": {"value": 2, "label": "Drug"}, "use_subcategory": null, "notes": "Decoction of dried flesh 'buttons' taken for illness.", "rawsource": "Howard, James, 1965, The Ponca Tribe, SI-BAE Bulletin #195, page 48"} {"id": 21262, "species": {"value": 2271, "label": "Lophophora williamsii (Lem. ex Salm-Dyck) Coult."}, "tribe": {"value": 205, "label": "Ponca"}, "source": {"value": 189, "label": "h65"}, "pageno": "48", "use_category": {"value": 3, "label": "Other"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 30, "label": "Ceremonial Items"}, "notes": "Flesh dried into 'buttons' and eaten during religious ceremonies.", "rawsource": "Howard, James, 1965, The Ponca Tribe, SI-BAE Bulletin #195, page 48"} {"id": 21576, "species": {"value": 2333, "label": "Lygodesmia juncea (Pursh) D. Don ex Hook."}, "tribe": {"value": 205, "label": "Ponca"}, "source": {"value": 189, "label": "h65"}, "pageno": "152", "use_category": {"value": 2, "label": "Drug"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 68, "label": "Antidiarrheal"}, "notes": "Infusion of plant taken for diarrhea.", "rawsource": "Howard, James, 1965, The Ponca Tribe, SI-BAE Bulletin #195, page 152"} {"id": 21577, "species": {"value": 2333, "label": "Lygodesmia juncea (Pursh) D. Don ex Hook."}, "tribe": {"value": 205, "label": "Ponca"}, "source": {"value": 189, "label": "h65"}, "pageno": "152", "use_category": {"value": 2, "label": "Drug"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 25, "label": "Eye Medicine"}, "notes": "Infusion of plant applied to sore eyes.", "rawsource": "Howard, James, 1965, The Ponca Tribe, SI-BAE Bulletin #195, page 152"} {"id": 21579, "species": {"value": 2333, "label": "Lygodesmia juncea (Pursh) D. Don ex Hook."}, "tribe": {"value": 205, "label": "Ponca"}, "source": {"value": 189, "label": "h65"}, "pageno": "152", "use_category": {"value": 2, "label": "Drug"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 22, "label": "Gynecological Aid"}, "notes": "Infusion of plant used to increase milk flow of mothers.", "rawsource": "Howard, James, 1965, The Ponca Tribe, SI-BAE Bulletin #195, page 152"} {"id": 1485, "species": {"value": 64, "label": "Actaea sp."}, "tribe": {"value": 141, "label": "Micmac"}, "source": {"value": 188, "label": "r48"}, "pageno": "56", "use_category": {"value": 2, "label": "Drug"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 13, "label": "Poison"}, "notes": "Plant considered poisonous.", "rawsource": "Rousseau, Jacques, 1948, Ethnobotanique Et Ethnozoologie Gaspesiennes, Archives de Folklore 3:51-64, page 56"} {"id": 7222, "species": {"value": 580, "label": "Betula papyrifera Marsh."}, "tribe": {"value": 141, "label": "Micmac"}, "source": {"value": 188, "label": "r48"}, "pageno": "56", "use_category": {"value": 4, "label": "Fiber"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 70, "label": "Canoe Material"}, "notes": "Bark used to make canoes.", "rawsource": "Rousseau, Jacques, 1948, Ethnobotanique Et Ethnozoologie Gaspesiennes, Archives de Folklore 3:51-64, page 56"} {"id": 9631, "species": {"value": 915, "label": "Chimaphila umbellata (L.) W. Bart."}, "tribe": {"value": 141, "label": "Micmac"}, "source": {"value": 188, "label": "r48"}, "pageno": "57", "use_category": {"value": 2, "label": "Drug"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 3, "label": "Kidney Aid"}, "notes": "Used for kidney pains.", "rawsource": "Rousseau, Jacques, 1948, Ethnobotanique Et Ethnozoologie Gaspesiennes, Archives de Folklore 3:51-64, page 57"} {"id": 29037, "species": {"value": 3080, "label": "Polypodium virginianum L."}, "tribe": {"value": 141, "label": "Micmac"}, "source": {"value": 188, "label": "r48"}, "pageno": "55", "use_category": {"value": 2, "label": "Drug"}, "use_subcategory": {"value": 117, "label": "Diuretic"}, "notes": "Infusion of plant used for urine retention.", "rawsource": "Rousseau, Jacques, 1948, Ethnobotanique Et Ethnozoologie Gaspesiennes, Archives de Folklore 3:51-64, page 55"}