{"id": 1, "refcode": "hc75", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Hamel, Paul B. and Mary U. Chiltoskey, 1975, Cherokee Plants and Their Uses -- A 400 Year History, Sylva, N.C. Herald Publishing Co.", "address": "Sylva, N.C.", "author": "Hamel, Paul B. and Mary U. Chiltoskey", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "Herald Publishing Co", "school": null, "title": "Cherokee Plants and Their Uses -- A 400 Year History", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1975"} {"id": 2, "refcode": "ws85", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Weber, Steven A. and P. David Seaman, 1985, Havasupai Habitat: A. F. Whiting's Ethnography of a Traditional Indian Culture, Tucson. The University of Arizona Press", "address": "Tucson", "author": "Weber, Steven A. and P. David Seaman", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "The University of Arizona Press", "school": null, "title": "Havasupai Habitat: A.F. Whiting's Ethnography of a Traditional Indian Culture", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1985"} {"id": 3, "refcode": "g83", "type": "phdthesis", "fulltext": "Gill, Steven J., 1983, Ethnobotany of the Makah and Ozette People, Olympic Peninsula, Washington (USA), Washington State University, Ph.D. Thesis", "address": null, "author": "Gill, Steven J.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": "Washington State University", "title": "Ethnobotany of the Makah and Ozette People", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1983"} {"id": 5, "refcode": "r54", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Romero, John Bruno, 1954, The Botanical Lore of the California Indians, New York. Vantage Press, Inc.", "address": "New York", "author": "Romero, John Bruno", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "Vantage Press, Inc", "school": null, "title": "The Botanical Lore of the California Indians", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1954"} {"id": 6, "refcode": "s15", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Stevenson, Matilda Coxe, 1915, Ethnobotany of the Zuni Indians, SI-BAE Annual Report #30", "address": null, "author": "Stevenson, Matilda Coxe", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "SI-BAE Annual Report", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Ethnobotany of the Zuni Indians", "url": null, "volume": "30", "year": "1915"} {"id": 7, "refcode": "h77", "type": "phdthesis", "fulltext": "Herrick, James William, 1977, Iroquois Medical Botany, State University of New York, Albany, PhD Thesis", "address": null, "author": "Herrick, James William", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": "State University of New York, Albany", "title": "Iroquois Medical Botany", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1977"} {"id": 10, "refcode": "tta90", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Turner, Nancy J., Laurence C. Thompson and M. Terry Thompson et al., 1990, Thompson Ethnobotany: Knowledge and Usage of Plants by the Thompson Indians of British Columbia, Victoria. Royal British Columbia Museum", "address": "Victoria", "author": "Turner, Nancy J. and Laurence C. Thompson and M. Terry Thompson et al.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "Royal British Columbia Museum", "school": null, "title": "Thompson Ethnobotany: Knowledge and Usage of Plants by the Thompson Indians of British Columbia", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1990"} {"id": 11, "refcode": "c49", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Curtin, L. S. M., 1949, By the Prophet of the Earth, Sante Fe. San Vicente Foundation", "address": "Sante Fe", "author": "Curtin, L. S. M.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "San Vicente Foundation", "school": null, "title": "By the Prophet of the Earth: Ethnobotany of the Pima", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1949"} {"id": 12, "refcode": "tha41", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Train, Percy, James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer, 1941, Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada, Washington DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture", "address": "Washington DC", "author": "Train, Percy and James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "U.S. Department of Agriculture", "school": null, "title": "Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1941"} {"id": 14, "refcode": "c93", "type": "phdthesis", "fulltext": "Compton, Brian Douglas, 1993, Upper North Wakashan and Southern Tsimshian Ethnobotany: The Knowledge and Usage of Plants..., Ph.D. Dissertation, University of British Columbia", "address": null, "author": "Compton, Brian Douglas", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": "University of British Columbia", "title": "Upper North Wakashan and Southern Tsimshian Ethnobotany: The Knowledge and Usage of Plants", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1993"} {"id": 15, "refcode": "gil33", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Gilmore, Melvin R., 1933, Some Chippewa Uses of Plants, Ann Arbor. University of Michigan Press", "address": "Ann Arbor", "author": "Gilmore, Melvin R.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "University of Michigan Press", "school": null, "title": "Some Chippewa Uses of Plants", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1933"} {"id": 17, "refcode": "g19", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Gilmore, Melvin R., 1919, Uses of Plants by the Indians of the Missouri River Region, SI-BAE Annual Report #33", "address": null, "author": "Gilmore, Melvin R.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "SI-BAE Annual Report", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Uses of Plants by the Indians of the Missouri River Region", "url": null, "volume": "33", "year": "1919"} {"id": 22, "refcode": "t42", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Tantaquidgeon, Gladys, 1942, A Study of Delaware Indian Medicine Practice and Folk Beliefs, Harrisburg. Pennsylvania Historical Commission", "address": "Harrisburg", "author": "Tantaquidgeon, Gladys", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "Pennsylvania Historical Commission", "school": null, "title": "A Study of Delaware Indian Medicine Practice and Folk Beliefs", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1942"} {"id": 25, "refcode": "g73", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Gunther, Erna, 1973, Ethnobotany of Western Washington, Seattle. University of Washington Press. Revised edition", "address": "Washington", "author": "Gunther, Erna", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": "Revised", "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "University of Press", "school": null, "title": "Ethnobotany of Western Washington, Seattle", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1973"} {"id": 26, "refcode": "h74", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Hellson, John C., 1974, Ethnobotany of the Blackfoot Indians, Ottawa. National Museums of Canada. Mercury Series", "address": "Ottawa", "author": "Hellson, John C.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "National Museums of Canada. Mercury Series", "school": null, "title": "Ethnobotany of the Blackfoot Indians", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1974"} {"id": 28, "refcode": "c30", "type": "phdthesis", "fulltext": "Cook, Sarah Louise, 1930, The Ethnobotany of Jemez Indians., University of New Mexico, M.A. Thesis", "address": null, "author": "Cook, Sarah Louise", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": "University of New Mexico", "title": "The Ethnobotany of Jemez Indians", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1930"} {"id": 30, "refcode": "h92", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Hart, Jeff, 1992, Montana Native Plants and Early Peoples, Helena. Montana Historical Society Press", "address": "Helena", "author": "Hart, Jeff", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "Montana Historical Society Press", "school": null, "title": "Montana Native Plants and Early Peoples", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1992"} {"id": 31, "refcode": "bs72", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Bean, Lowell John and Katherine Siva Saubel, 1972, Temalpakh (From the Earth); Cahuilla Indian Knowledge and Usage of Plants, Banning, CA. Malki Museum Press", "address": "Banning, CA", "author": "Bean, Lowell John and Katherine Siva Saubel", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "Malki Museum Press", "school": null, "title": "Temalpakh (From the Earth); Cahuilla Indian Knowledge and Usage of Plants", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1972"} {"id": 32, "refcode": "tbk80", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Turner, Nancy J., R. Bouchard and Dorothy I.D. Kennedy, 1980, Ethnobotany of the Okanagan-Colville Indians of British Columbia and Washington, Victoria. British Columbia Provincial Museum", "address": "Victoria", "author": "Turner, Nancy J. and R. Bouchard and Dorothy I. D. Kennedy", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "British Columbia Provincial Museum", "school": null, "title": "Ethnobotany of the Okanagan-Colville Indians of British Columbia and Washington", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1980"} {"id": 36, "refcode": "k85", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Kari, Priscilla Russe, 1985, Upper Tanana Ethnobotany, Anchorage. Alaska Historical Commission", "address": "Anchorage", "author": "Kari, Priscilla Russe", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "Alaska Historical Commission", "school": null, "title": "Upper Tanana Ethnobotany", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1985"} {"id": 37, "refcode": "w39", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Whiting, Alfred F., 1939, Ethnobotany of the Hopi, Museum of Northern Arizona Bulletin #15", "address": null, "author": "Whiting, Alfred F.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "Museum of Northern Arizona Bulletin", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Ethnobotany of the Hopi", "url": null, "volume": "15", "year": "1939"} {"id": 39, "refcode": "g72", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Grinnell, George Bird, 1972, The Cheyenne Indians - Their History and Ways of Life Vol.2, Lincoln. University of Nebraska Press", "address": "Lincoln", "author": "Grinnell, George Bird", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "University of Nebraska Press", "school": null, "title": "The Cheyenne Indians - Their History and Ways of Life Vol.2", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1972"} {"id": 40, "refcode": "gl80", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Goodrich, Jennie and Claudia Lawson, 1980, Kashaya Pomo Plants, Los Angeles. American Indian Studies Center, University of California, Los Angeles", "address": "University of California, Los Angeles", "author": "Goodrich, Jennie and Claudia Lawson", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "American Indian Studies Center", "school": null, "title": "Kashaya Pomo Plants, Los Angeles", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1980"} {"id": 41, "refcode": "te82", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Turner, Nancy J. and Barbara S. Efrat, 1982, Ethnobotany of the Hesquiat Indians of Vancouver Island, Victoria. British Columbia Provincial Museum", "address": "Victoria", "author": "Turner, Nancy J. and Barbara S. Efrat", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "British Columbia Provincial Museum", "school": null, "title": "Ethnobotany of the Hesquiat Indians of Vancouver Island", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1982"} {"id": 44, "refcode": "r32", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Ray, Verne F., 1932, The Sanpoil and Nespelem: Salishan Peoples of Northeastern Washington, University of Washington Publications in Anthropology, Vol. 5", "address": null, "author": "Ray, Verne F.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "University of Washington Publications in Anthropology", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "The Sanpoil and Nespelem: Salishan Peoples of Northeastern Washington", "url": null, "volume": "5", "year": "1932"} {"id": 47, "refcode": "l85", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Leighton, Anna L., 1985, Wild Plant Use by the Woods Cree (Nihithawak) of East-Central Saskatchewan, Ottawa. National Museums of Canada. Mercury Series", "address": "Ottawa", "author": "Leighton, Anna L.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": "Mercury Series", "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "National Museums of Canada", "school": null, "title": "Wild Plant Use by the Woods Cree (Nihithawak) of East-Central Saskatchewan", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1985"} {"id": 50, "refcode": "f89", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Fowler, Catherine S., 1989, Willards Z. Park's Ethnographic Notes on the Northern Paiute of Western Nevada 1933-1940, Salt Lake City. University of Utah Press", "address": "Salt Lake City", "author": "Fowler, Catherine S.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "University of Utah Press", "school": null, "title": "Willards Z. Park's Ethnographic Notes on the Northern Paiute of Western Nevada 1933-1940", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1989"} {"id": 52, "refcode": "b74", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Basehart, Harry W., 1974, Apache Indians XII. Mescalero Apache Subsistence Patterns and Socio-Political Organization, New York. Garland Publishing Inc.", "address": "New York", "author": "Basehart, Harry W.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "Garland Publishing Inc", "school": null, "title": "Apache Indians XII. Mescalero Apache Subsistence Patterns and Socio-Political Organization", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1974"} {"id": 54, "refcode": "j83", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Jones, Anore, 1983, Nauriat Niginaqtuat = Plants That We Eat, Kotzebue, Alaska. Maniilaq Association Traditional Nutrition Program", "address": "Kotzebue, Alaska", "author": "Jones, Anore", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "Maniilaq Association Traditional Nutrition Program", "school": null, "title": "Nauriat Niginaqtuat = Plants That We Eat", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1983"} {"id": 56, "refcode": "h91", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Hoffman, W.J., 1891, The Midewiwin or 'Grand Medicine Society' of the Ojibwa, SI-BAE Annual Report #7", "address": null, "author": "Hoffman, W. J.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "SI-BAE Annual Report", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "The Midewiwin or 'Grand Medicine Society' of the Ojibwa", "url": null, "volume": "7", "year": "1891"} {"id": 60, "refcode": "z81", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Zigmond, Maurice L., 1981, Kawaiisu Ethnobotany, Salt Lake City. University of Utah Press", "address": "Salt Lake City", "author": "Zigmond, Maurice L.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "University of Utah Press", "school": null, "title": "Kawaiisu Ethnobotany", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1981"} {"id": 61, "refcode": "rhf16", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Robbins, W.W., J.P. Harrington and B. Freire-Marreco, 1916, Ethnobotany of the Tewa Indians, SI-BAE Bulletin #55", "address": null, "author": "Robbins, W. W. and J. P. Harrington and B. Freire-Marreco", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "SI-BAE Bulletin", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Ethnobotany of the Tewa Indians", "url": null, "volume": "55", "year": "1916"} {"id": 67, "refcode": "b80", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Black, Meredith Jean, 1980, Algonquin Ethnobotany: An Interpretation of Aboriginal Adaptation in South Western Quebec, Ottawa. National Museums of Canada. Mercury Series Number 65", "address": "Ottawa", "author": "Black, Meredith Jean", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": "Mercury Series Number 65", "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "National Museums of Canada.", "school": null, "title": "Algonquin Ethnobotany: An Interpretation of Aboriginal Adaptation in South Western Quebec", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1980"} {"id": 68, "refcode": "a22", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Akana, Akaiko, 1922, Hawaiian Herbs of Medicinal Value, Honolulu: Pacific Book House", "address": "Honolulu", "author": "Akana, Akaiko", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "Pacific Book House", "school": null, "title": "Hawaiian Herbs of Medicinal Value", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1922"} {"id": 70, "refcode": "b81", "type": "mastersthesis", "fulltext": "Baker, Marc A., 1981, The Ethnobotany of the Yurok, Tolowa and Karok Indians of Northwest California, Humboldt State University, M.A. Thesis", "address": null, "author": "Baker, Marc A.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": "Humboldt State University", "title": "The Ethnobotany of the Yurok, Tolowa and Karok Indians of Northwest California", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1981"} {"id": 73, "refcode": "b05", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Blankinship, J. W., 1905, Native Economic Plants of Montana, Bozeman. Montana Agricultural College Experimental Station, Bulletin 56", "address": null, "author": "Blankinship, J. W.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "Bozeman Montana Agricultural College Experimental Station", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Native Economic Plants of Montana,", "url": null, "volume": "Bulletin 56", "year": "1905"} {"id": 74, "refcode": "e44", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Elmore, Francis H., 1944, Ethnobotany of the Navajo, Sante Fe, NM. School of American Research", "address": "Sante Fe, NM", "author": "Elmore, Francis H.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "School of American Research", "school": null, "title": "Ethnobotany of the Navajo", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1944"} {"id": 76, "refcode": "j31", "type": "mastersthesis", "fulltext": "Jones, Volney H., 1931, The Ethnobotany of the Isleta Indians, University of New Mexico, M.A. Thesis", "address": null, "author": "Jones, Volney H.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": "University of New Mexico", "title": "The Ethnobotany of the Isleta Indians", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1931"} {"id": 79, "refcode": "swank32", "type": "mastersthesis", "fulltext": "Swank, George R., 1932, The Ethnobotany of the Acoma and Laguna Indians, University of New Mexico, M.A. Thesis", "address": null, "author": "Swank, George R.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": "University of New Mexico", "title": "The Ethnobotany of the Acoma and Laguna Indians", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1932"} {"id": 82, "refcode": "c74", "type": "incollection", "fulltext": "Colton, Harold S., 1974, Hopi History And Ethnobotany, IN D. A. Horr (ed.) Hopi Indians. Garland: New York.", "address": "New York", "author": "Colton, Harold S.", "booktitle": "Hopi Indians", "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": "D.A. Horr", "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "Garland", "school": null, "title": "Hopi History And Ethnobotany", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1974"} {"id": 85, "refcode": "hedges86", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Hedges, Ken, 1986, Santa Ysabel Ethnobotany, San Diego Museum of Man Ethnic Technology Notes, No. 20", "address": null, "author": "Hedges, Ken", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "San Diego Museum of Man Ethnic Technology Notes", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Santa Ysabel Ethnobotany", "url": null, "volume": "20", "year": "1986"} {"id": 86, "refcode": "perry75", "type": "phdthesis", "fulltext": "Perry, Myra Jean, 1975, Food Use of 'Wild' Plants by Cherokee Indians, The University of Tennessee, M.S. Thesis", "address": null, "author": "Perry, Myra Jean", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": "The University of Tennessee", "title": "Food Use of 'Wild' Plants by Cherokee Indians", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1975"} {"id": 87, "refcode": "b86", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Buskirk, Winfred, 1986, The Western Apache: Living With the Land Before 1950, Norman. University of Oklahoma Press", "address": "Norman", "author": "Buskirk, Winfred", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "University of Oklahoma Press", "school": null, "title": "The Western Apache: Living With the Land Before 1950", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1986"} {"id": 88, "refcode": "s54", "type": "phdthesis", "fulltext": "Sturtevant, William, 1954, The Mikasuki Seminole: Medical Beliefs and Practices, Yale University, PhD Thesis", "address": null, "author": "Sturtevant, William", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": "Yale University", "title": "The Mikasuki Seminole: Medical Beliefs and Practices", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1954"} {"id": 96, "refcode": "b52", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Barrett, S. A., 1952, Material Aspects of Pomo Culture, Bulletin of the Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee 20", "address": null, "author": "Barrett, S. A.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "Bulletin of the Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Material Aspects of Pomo Culture", "url": null, "volume": "20", "year": "1952"} {"id": 97, "refcode": "t72", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Tantaquidgeon, Gladys, 1972, Folk Medicine of the Delaware and Related Algonkian Indians, Harrisburg. Pennsylvania Historical Commission Anthropological Papers #3", "address": null, "author": "Tantaquidgeon, Gladys", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "Pennsylvania Historical Commission Anthropological Papers", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Folk Medicine of the Delaware and Related Algonkian Indians, Harrisburg", "url": null, "volume": "3", "year": "1972"} {"id": 98, "refcode": "m53", "type": "mastersthesis", "fulltext": "Mahar, James Michael., 1953, Ethnobotany of the Oregon Paiutes of the Warm Springs Indian Reservation, Reed College, B.A. Thesis", "address": null, "author": "Mahar, James Michael.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": "B.A. Thesis", "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": "Reed College", "title": "Ethnobotany of the Oregon Paiutes of the Warm Springs Indian Reservation", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1953"} {"id": 101, "refcode": "ttco83", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Turner, Nancy J., John Thomas, Barry F. Carlson and Robert T. Ogilvie, 1983, Ethnobotany of the Nitinaht Indians of Vancouver Island, Victoria. British Columbia Provincial Museum", "address": "Victoria", "author": "Turner, Nancy J. and John Thomas and Barry F. Carlson and Robert T. Ogilvie", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "British Columbia Provincial Museum", "school": null, "title": "Ethnobotany of the Nitinaht Indians of Vancouver Island", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1983"} {"id": 106, "refcode": "wh51", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Wyman, Leland C. and Stuart K. Harris, 1951, The Ethnobotany of the Kayenta Navaho, Albuquerque. The University of New Mexico Press", "address": "Albuquerque", "author": "Wyman, Leland C. and Stuart K. Harris", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "The University of New Mexico Press", "school": null, "title": "The Ethnobotany of the Kayenta Navaho", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1951"} {"id": 107, "refcode": "p10", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Parker, Arthur Caswell, 1910, Iroquois Uses of Maize and Other Food Plants, Albany, NY. University of the State of New York", "address": "Albany, NY", "author": "Parker, Arthur Caswell", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "University of the State of New York", "school": null, "title": "Iroquois Uses of Maize and Other Food Plants", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1910"} {"id": 108, "refcode": "r80", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Rogers, Dilwyn J, 1980, Lakota Names and Traditional Uses of Native Plants by Sicangu (Brule) People in the Rosebud Area, South Dakota, St. Francis, SD. Rosebud Educational Scoiety", "address": "St Francis, SD", "author": "Rogers, Dilwyn J.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "Rosebud Educational Society", "school": null, "title": "Lakota Names and Traditional Uses of Native Plants by Sicangu (Brule) People in the Rosebud Area, South Dakota", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1980"} {"id": 109, "refcode": "m66", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Merriam, C. Hart, 1966, Ethnographic Notes on California Indian Tribes, University of California Archaeological Research Facility, Berkeley", "address": "Berkeley", "author": "Merriam, C. Hart", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "University of California Archaeological Research Facility", "school": null, "title": "Ethnographic Notes on California Indian Tribes", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1966"} {"id": 111, "refcode": "m90", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Murphey, Edith Van Allen, 1990, Indian Uses of Native Plants, Glenwood, Ill. Meyerbooks. Originally published in 1959", "address": "Glenwood, Ill", "author": "Murphey, Edith Van Allen", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": "Originally published in 1959", "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "Meyerbooks", "school": null, "title": "Indian Uses of Native Plants", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1990"} {"id": 112, "refcode": "w16", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Waugh, F. W., 1916, Iroquis Foods and Food Preparation, Ottawa. Canada Department of Mines", "address": "Ottawa", "author": "Waugh, F. W.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "Canada Department of Mines", "school": null, "title": "Iroquis Foods and Food Preparation", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1916"} {"id": 114, "refcode": "g27", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Gunther, Erna, 1927, Klallam Ethnography, Seattle. University of Washington Press", "address": "Seattle", "author": "Gunther, Erna", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "University of Washington Press", "school": null, "title": "Klallam Ethnography", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1927"} {"id": 115, "refcode": "t40", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Taylor, Linda Averill, 1940, Plants Used As Curatives by Certain Southeastern Tribes, Cambridge, MA. Botanical Museum of Harvard University", "address": "Cambridge, MA", "author": "Taylor, Linda Averill", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "Botanical Museum of Harvard University", "school": null, "title": "Plants Used As Curatives by Certain Southeastern Tribes", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1940"} {"id": 117, "refcode": "f90", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Fowler, Catherine S., 1990, Tule Technology: Northern Paiute Uses of Marsh Resources in Western Nevada, Washington, D.C. Smithsonian Institution Press", "address": "Washington, DC", "author": "Fowler, Catherine S.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "Smithsonian Institution Press", "school": null, "title": "Tule Technology: Northern Paiute Uses of Marsh Resources in Western Nevada,", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1990"} {"id": 118, "refcode": "bd09", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Bushnell, Jr., David I., 1909, The Choctaw of Bayou Lacomb, St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana, SI-BAE Bulletin #48", "address": null, "author": "Bushnell, Jr., and David, I.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "SI-BAE Bulletin", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "The Choctaw of Bayou Lacomb, St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana", "url": null, "volume": "48", "year": "1909"} {"id": 121, "refcode": "l86", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Lynch, Regina H., 1986, Cookbook, Chinle, AZ. Navajo Curriculum Center, Rough Rock Demonstration School", "address": "Chinle, AZ", "author": "Lynch, Regina H.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "Rough Rock Demonstration School, Navajo Curriculum Center", "school": null, "title": "Cookbook", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1986"} {"id": 124, "refcode": "ff11", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Fletcher, Alice C. and Francis La Flesche, 1911, The Omaha Tribe, SI-BAE Annual Report #27", "address": null, "author": "Fletcher, Alice C. and Francis La Flesche", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "SI-BAE Annual Report", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "The Omaha Tribe", "url": null, "volume": "27", "year": "1911"} {"id": 125, "refcode": "cb51", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Castetter, Edward F. and Willis H. Bell, 1951, Yuman Indian Agriculture, Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press", "address": "Albuquerque", "author": "Castetter, Edward F. and Willis H. Bell", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "University of New Mexico Press", "school": null, "title": "Yuman Indian Agriculture", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1951"} {"id": 127, "refcode": "w82", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Watahomigie, Lucille J., 1982, Hualapai Ethnobotany, Peach Springs, AZ. Hualapai Bilingual Program, Peach Springs School District #8", "address": "Peach Springs, AZ", "author": "Watahomigie, Lucille J.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "Hualapai Bilingual Program, Peach Springs School District #8", "school": null, "title": "Hualapai Ethnobotany", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1982"} {"id": 130, "refcode": "bt53", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Bank, II, Theodore P., 1953, Botanical and Ethnobotanical Studies in the Aleutian Islands II. Health and Medical Lore of the Aleuts, Botanical and Ethnobotanical Studies Papers, Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters", "address": null, "author": "Bank, I. I. and Theodore, P.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "Botanical and Ethnobotanical Studies Papers, Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letter", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Botanical and Ethnobotanical Studies in the Aleutian Islands II. Health and Medical Lore of the Aleuts", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1953"} {"id": 132, "refcode": "h53", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Heller, Christine A., 1953, Edible and Poisonous Plants of Alaska, University of Alaska", "address": null, "author": "Heller, Christine A.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "University of Alaska", "school": null, "title": "Edible and Poisonous Plants of Alaska", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1953"} {"id": 133, "refcode": "k56", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Krause, Aurel, 1956, The Tlingit Indians. Translated by Erna Gunther, Seattle. University of Washington Press", "address": "Seattle", "author": "Krause, Aurel", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": "Translated by Erna Gunther", "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "University of Washington Press", "school": null, "title": "The Tlingit Indians", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1956"} {"id": 134, "refcode": "c73", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Carrier Linguistic Committee, 1973, Plants of Carrier Country, Fort St. James, BC. Carrier Linguistic Committee", "address": "Fort St James, BC", "author": "Carrier Linguistic Committee", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "Carrier Linguistic Committee", "school": null, "title": "Plants of Carrier Country", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1973"} {"id": 140, "refcode": "vs39", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Vestal, Paul A. and Richard Evans Schultes, 1939, The Economic Botany of the Kiowa Indians, Cambridge MA. Botanical Museum of Harvard University", "address": "Cambridge MA", "author": "Vestal, Paul A. and Richard Evans Schultes", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "Botanical Museum of Harvard University", "school": null, "title": "The Economic Botany of the Kiowa Indians", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1939"} {"id": 144, "refcode": "teit28", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Teit, James A., 1928, The Salishan Tribes of the Western Plateaus, SI-BAE Annual Report #45", "address": null, "author": "Teit, James A.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "SI-BAE Annual Report", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "The Salishan Tribes of the Western Plateaus", "url": null, "volume": "45", "year": "1928"} {"id": 146, "refcode": "j87", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Johnston, Alex, 1987, Plants and the Blackfoot, Lethbridge, Alberta. Lethbridge Historical Society", "address": "Lethbridge, Alberta", "author": "Johnston, Alex", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "Lethbridge Historical Society", "school": null, "title": "Plants and the Blackfoot", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1987"} {"id": 148, "refcode": "b66", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Boas, Franz, 1966, Kwakiutl Ethnography, Chicago. University of Chicago Press", "address": "Chicago", "author": "Boas, Franz", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "University of Chicago Press", "school": null, "title": "Kwakiutl Ethnography,", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1966"} {"id": 156, "refcode": "k90", "type": "mastersthesis", "fulltext": "Kraft, Shelly Katheren, 1990, Recent Changes in the Ethnobotany of Standing Rock Indian Reservation, University of North Dakota, M.A. Thesis", "address": null, "author": "Kraft, Shelly Katheren", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": "University of North Dakota", "title": "Recent Changes in the Ethnobotany of Standing Rock Indian Reservation", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1990"} {"id": 158, "refcode": "n83", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Nelson, Richard K., 1983, Make Prayers to the Raven--A Koyukon View of the Northern Forest, Chicago. The University of Chicago Press", "address": "Chicago", "author": "Nelson, Richard K.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "The University of Chicago Press", "school": null, "title": "Make Prayers to the Raven--A Koyukon View of the Northern Forest", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1983"} {"id": 159, "refcode": "w62", "type": "article", "fulltext": "White, Leslie A., 1962, The Pueblo of Sia, New Mexico, XXX SI-BAE Bulletin #", "address": null, "author": "White, Leslie A.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "SI-BAE Bulletin", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "The Pueblo of Sia, New Mexico", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1962"} {"id": 160, "refcode": "cb42", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Castetter, Edward F. and Willis H. Bell, 1942, Pima and Papago Indian Agriculture, Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press. First Edition.", "address": "Albuquerque", "author": "Castetter, Edward F. and Willis H. Bell", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": "First", "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "University of New Mexico Press", "school": null, "title": "Pima and Papago Indian Agriculture", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1942"} {"id": 168, "refcode": "b67", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Barrows, David Prescott, 1967, The Ethno-Botany of the Coahuilla Indians of Southern California, Banning CA. Malki Museum Press. Originally Published 1900", "address": "Banning CA", "author": "Barrows, David Prescott", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": "Originally Published 1900", "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "Malki Museum Press", "school": null, "title": "The Ethno-Botany of the Coahuilla Indians of Southern California", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1967"} {"id": 169, "refcode": "s69", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Swan, James Gilchrist, 1869, The Indians of Cape Flattery ... Washington Territory, Washington, DC. Smithsonian Institution", "address": "Washington, DC", "author": "Swan, James Gilchrist", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "Smithsonian Institution", "school": null, "title": "The Indians of Cape Flattery ...Washington Territory", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1869"} {"id": 170, "refcode": "j35", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Jenness, Diamond, 1935, The Ojibwa Indians of Parry Island, Their Social and Religious Life, National Museums of Canada Bulletin #78, Anthropological Series #17", "address": null, "author": "Jenness, Diamond", "booktitle": null, "comment": "Anthropological Series #17", "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "National Museums of Canada Bulletin", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "The Ojibwa Indians of Parry Island Their Social and Religious Life", "url": null, "volume": "78", "year": "1935"} {"id": 172, "refcode": "g74", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Guedon, Marie-Francoise, 1974, People Of Tetlin, Why Are You Singing?, Ottawa. National Museums of Canada. Mercury Series Number 9", "address": "Ottawa", "author": "Guedon, Marie-Francoise", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": "Mercury Series Number 9", "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "National Museums of Canada", "school": null, "title": "People Of Tetlin, Why Are You Singing?", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1974"} {"id": 175, "refcode": "d13", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Densmore, Frances, 1913, Chippewa Music-II, SI-BAE Bulletin #53", "address": null, "author": "Densmore, Frances", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "SI-BAE Bulletin", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Chippewa Music-II", "url": null, "volume": "53", "year": "1913"} {"id": 176, "refcode": "d32", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Densmore, Francis, 1932, Menominee Music, SI-BAE Bulletin #102", "address": null, "author": "Densmore, Francis", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "SI-BAE Bulletin", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Menominee Music", "url": null, "volume": "102", "year": "1932"} {"id": 180, "refcode": "g31", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Gifford, E. W., 1931, The Kamia of Imperial Valley, Washington, D.C. U.S. Government Printing Office", "address": "Washington, DC", "author": "Gifford, E. W.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "U.S. Government Printing Office", "school": null, "title": "The Kamia of Imperial Valley", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1931"} {"id": 183, "refcode": "m03", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Malo, David, 1903, Hawaiian Antiquities, Honolulu. Hawaiian Gazette Co., Ltd.", "address": "Honolulu", "author": "Malo, David", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "Hawaiian Gazette Co, Ltd", "school": null, "title": "Hawaiian Antiquities", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1903"} {"id": 185, "refcode": "mckenn59", "type": "article", "fulltext": "McKennan, Robert A., 1959, The Upper Tanana Indians, Yale University Publications in Anthropology, No. 55", "address": null, "author": "McKennan, Robert A.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "Yale University Publications in Anthropology", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "The Upper Tanana Indians", "url": null, "volume": "55", "year": "1959"} {"id": 186, "refcode": "c04", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Coville, Frederick V., 1904, Wokas, a Primitive Food of the Klamath Indians., Smithsonian Institution, US. National Museum.", "address": null, "author": "Coville, Frederick V.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "Smithsonian Institution, US. National Museum", "school": null, "title": "Wokas, a Primitive Food of the Klamath Indians", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1904"} {"id": 189, "refcode": "h65", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Howard, James, 1965, The Ponca Tribe, SI-BAE Bulletin #195", "address": null, "author": "Howard, James", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "SI-BAE Bulletin", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "The Ponca Tribe", "url": null, "volume": "195", "year": "1965"} {"id": 190, "refcode": "d18", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Densmore, Frances, 1918, Teton Sioux Music, SI-BAE Bulletin #61", "address": null, "author": "Densmore, Frances", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "SI-BAE Bulletin", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Teton Sioux Music", "url": null, "volume": "61", "year": "1918"} {"id": 193, "refcode": "ven40", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Veniamenov, I., 1840, Notes on the Islands in the Unalaska District, St. Petersburg -- Translated by HRAF", "address": null, "author": "Veniamenov, I.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": "Translated by HRAF", "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Notes on the Islands in the Unalaska District, St. Petersburg", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1840"} {"id": 194, "refcode": "bt51", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Bank, II, Theodore P., 1951, Botanical and Ethnobotanical Studies in the Aleutian Islands I. Aleutian Vegetation and Aleut Culture, Botanical and Ethnobotanical Studies Papers, Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters", "address": null, "author": "Bank, I. I. and Theodore, P.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "Botanical and Ethnobotanical Studies Papers, Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Botanical and Ethnobotanical Studies in the Aleutian Islands I. Aleutian Vegetation and Aleut Culture", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1951"} {"id": 203, "refcode": "r23", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Radin, Paul, 1923, The Winnebago Tribe, SI-BAE Annual Report #37", "address": null, "author": "Radin, Paul", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "SI-BAE Annual Report", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "The Winnebago Tribe", "url": null, "volume": "37", "year": "1923"} {"id": 204, "refcode": "w89", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Willoughby, C., 1889, Indians of the Quinaielt Agency, Washington Territory, Smithsonian Institution Annual Report for 1886", "address": null, "author": "Willoughby, C.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "Smithsonian Institution Annual Report for 1886", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Indians of the Quinaielt Agency, Washington Territory", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1889"} {"id": 205, "refcode": "p37", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Porsild, A.E., 1937, Edible Roots and Berries of Northern Canada, Canada Department of Mines and Resources, National Museum of Canada", "address": null, "author": "Porsild, A. E.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "Canada Department of Mines and Resources, National Museum of Canada", "school": null, "title": "Edible Roots and Berries of Northern Canada", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1937"} {"id": 197, "refcode": "hann86", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Hann, John H., 1986, The Use and Processing of Plants by Indians of Spanish Florida, Southeastern Archaeology 5(2):1-102", "address": null, "author": "Hann, John H.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "Southeastern Archaeology", "month": null, "note": null, "number": "2", "pages": "1-102", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "The Use and Processing of Plants by Indians of Spanish Florida", "url": null, "volume": "5", "year": "1986"} {"id": 143, "refcode": "j68", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Jones, David E., 1968, Comanche Plant Medicine, Papers in Anthropology 9:1-13", "address": null, "author": "Jones, David E.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "Papers in Anthropology", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": "1-13", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Comanche Plant Medicine", "url": null, "volume": "9", "year": "1968"} {"id": 51, "refcode": "s23", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Smith, Huron H., 1923, Ethnobotany of the Menomini Indians, Bulletin of the Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee 4:1-174", "address": null, "author": "Smith, Huron H.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "Bulletin of the Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": "1-174", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Ethnobotany of the Menomini Indians", "url": null, "volume": "4", "year": "1923"} {"id": 120, "refcode": "b44", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Burgesse, J. Allen, 1944, The Woman and the Child Among the Lac-St.-Jean Montagnais, Primitive Man 17:1-18", "address": null, "author": "Burgesse, J. Allen", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "Primitive Man", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": "1-18", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "The Woman and the Child Among the Lac-St.-Jean Montagnais", "url": null, "volume": "17", "year": "1944"} {"id": 43, "refcode": "smith33", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Smith, Huron H., 1933, Ethnobotany of the Forest Potawatomi Indians, Bulletin of the Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee 7:1-230", "address": null, "author": "Smith, Huron H.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "Bulletin of the Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": "1-230", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Ethnobotany of the Forest Potawatomi Indians", "url": null, "volume": "7", "year": "1933"} {"id": 173, "refcode": "s30", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Spier, Leslie, 1930, Klamath Ethnography, University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 30:1-338", "address": null, "author": "Spier, Leslie", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": "1-338", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Klamath Ethnography", "url": null, "volume": "30", "year": "1930"} {"id": 104, "refcode": "r08", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Russell, Frank, 1908, The Pima Indians, SI-BAE Annual Report #26:1-390", "address": null, "author": "Russell, Frank", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "SI-BAE Annual Report", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": "1-390", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "The Pima Indians", "url": null, "volume": "26", "year": "1908"} {"id": 174, "refcode": "h08", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Hrdlicka, Ales, 1908, Physiological and Medical Observations Among the Indians of Southwestern United States and Northern Mexico, SI-BAE Bulletin #34:1-427", "address": null, "author": "Hrdlicka, Ales", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "SI-BAE Bulletin", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": "1-427", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Physiological and Medical Observations Among the Indians of Southwestern United States and Northern Mexico", "url": null, "volume": "34", "year": "1908"} {"id": 19, "refcode": "c35", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Castetter, Edward F., 1935, Ethnobiological Studies in the American Southwest I. Uncultivated Native Plants Used as Sources of Food, University of New Mexico Bulletin 4(1):1-44", "address": null, "author": "Castetter, Edward F.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "University of New Mexico Bulletin", "month": null, "note": null, "number": "1", "pages": "1-44", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Ethnobiological Studies in the American Southwest 1, Uncultivated Native Plants Used as Sources of Food", "url": "https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/unm_bulletin/23/", "volume": "4", "year": "1935"}