{"id": 1, "refcode": "hc75", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Hamel, Paul B. and Mary U. Chiltoskey, 1975, Cherokee Plants and Their Uses -- A 400 Year History, Sylva, N.C. Herald Publishing Co.", "address": "Sylva, N.C.", "author": "Hamel, Paul B. and Mary U. Chiltoskey", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "Herald Publishing Co", "school": null, "title": "Cherokee Plants and Their Uses -- A 400 Year History", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1975"} {"id": 2, "refcode": "ws85", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Weber, Steven A. and P. David Seaman, 1985, Havasupai Habitat: A. F. Whiting's Ethnography of a Traditional Indian Culture, Tucson. The University of Arizona Press", "address": "Tucson", "author": "Weber, Steven A. and P. David Seaman", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "The University of Arizona Press", "school": null, "title": "Havasupai Habitat: A.F. Whiting's Ethnography of a Traditional Indian Culture", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1985"} {"id": 3, "refcode": "g83", "type": "phdthesis", "fulltext": "Gill, Steven J., 1983, Ethnobotany of the Makah and Ozette People, Olympic Peninsula, Washington (USA), Washington State University, Ph.D. Thesis", "address": null, "author": "Gill, Steven J.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": "Washington State University", "title": "Ethnobotany of the Makah and Ozette People", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1983"} {"id": 4, "refcode": "d28", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Densmore, Frances, 1928, Uses of Plants by the Chippewa Indians, SI-BAE Annual Report #44:273-379", "address": null, "author": "Densmore, Frances", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "SI-BAE Annual Report", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": "273-379", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Uses of Plants by the Chippewa Indians", "url": null, "volume": "44", "year": "1928"} {"id": 5, "refcode": "r54", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Romero, John Bruno, 1954, The Botanical Lore of the California Indians, New York. Vantage Press, Inc.", "address": "New York", "author": "Romero, John Bruno", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "Vantage Press, Inc", "school": null, "title": "The Botanical Lore of the California Indians", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1954"} {"id": 6, "refcode": "s15", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Stevenson, Matilda Coxe, 1915, Ethnobotany of the Zuni Indians, SI-BAE Annual Report #30", "address": null, "author": "Stevenson, Matilda Coxe", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "SI-BAE Annual Report", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Ethnobotany of the Zuni Indians", "url": null, "volume": "30", "year": "1915"} {"id": 7, "refcode": "h77", "type": "phdthesis", "fulltext": "Herrick, James William, 1977, Iroquois Medical Botany, State University of New York, Albany, PhD Thesis", "address": null, "author": "Herrick, James William", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": "State University of New York, Albany", "title": "Iroquois Medical Botany", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1977"} {"id": 8, "refcode": "r28", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Reagan, Albert B., 1928, Plants Used by the Bois Fort Chippewa (Ojibwa) Indians of Minnesota, Wisconsin Archeologist 7(4):230-248", "address": null, "author": "Reagan, Albert B.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "Wisconsin Archeologist", "month": null, "note": null, "number": "4", "pages": "230-248", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Plants Used by the Bois Fort Chippewa (Ojibwa) Indians of Minnesota", "url": null, "volume": "7", "year": "1928"} {"id": 9, "refcode": "s29", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Smith, Harlan I., 1929, Materia Medica of the Bella Coola and Neighboring Tribes of British Columbia, National Museum of Canada Bulletin 56:47-68", "address": null, "author": "Smith, Harlan I.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "National Museum of Canada Bulletin", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": "47-68", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Materia Medica of the Bella Coola and Neighboring Tribes of British Columbia", "url": null, "volume": "56", "year": "1929"} {"id": 10, "refcode": "tta90", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Turner, Nancy J., Laurence C. Thompson and M. Terry Thompson et al., 1990, Thompson Ethnobotany: Knowledge and Usage of Plants by the Thompson Indians of British Columbia, Victoria. Royal British Columbia Museum", "address": "Victoria", "author": "Turner, Nancy J. and Laurence C. Thompson and M. Terry Thompson et al.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "Royal British Columbia Museum", "school": null, "title": "Thompson Ethnobotany: Knowledge and Usage of Plants by the Thompson Indians of British Columbia", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1990"} {"id": 11, "refcode": "c49", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Curtin, L. S. M., 1949, By the Prophet of the Earth, Sante Fe. San Vicente Foundation", "address": "Sante Fe", "author": "Curtin, L. S. M.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "San Vicente Foundation", "school": null, "title": "By the Prophet of the Earth: Ethnobotany of the Pima", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1949"} {"id": 12, "refcode": "tha41", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Train, Percy, James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer, 1941, Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada, Washington DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture", "address": "Washington DC", "author": "Train, Percy and James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "U.S. Department of Agriculture", "school": null, "title": "Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1941"} {"id": 13, "refcode": "g05", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Grinnell, George Bird, 1905, Some Cheyenne Plant Medicines, American Anthropologist 7:37-43", "address": null, "author": "Grinnell, George Bird", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "American Anthropologist", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": "37-43", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Some Cheyenne Plant Medicines", "url": null, "volume": "7", "year": "1905"} {"id": 14, "refcode": "c93", "type": "phdthesis", "fulltext": "Compton, Brian Douglas, 1993, Upper North Wakashan and Southern Tsimshian Ethnobotany: The Knowledge and Usage of Plants..., Ph.D. Dissertation, University of British Columbia", "address": null, "author": "Compton, Brian Douglas", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": "University of British Columbia", "title": "Upper North Wakashan and Southern Tsimshian Ethnobotany: The Knowledge and Usage of Plants", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1993"} {"id": 15, "refcode": "gil33", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Gilmore, Melvin R., 1933, Some Chippewa Uses of Plants, Ann Arbor. University of Michigan Press", "address": "Ann Arbor", "author": "Gilmore, Melvin R.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "University of Michigan Press", "school": null, "title": "Some Chippewa Uses of Plants", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1933"} {"id": 16, "refcode": "b84", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Bocek, Barbara R., 1984, Ethnobotany of Costanoan Indians, California, Based on Collections by John P. Harrington, Economic Botany 38(2):240-255", "address": null, "author": "Bocek, Barbara R.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "Economic Botany", "month": null, "note": null, "number": "2", "pages": "240-255", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Ethnobotany of Costanoan Indians, California, Based on Collections by John P Harrington", "url": null, "volume": "38", "year": "1984"} {"id": 17, "refcode": "g19", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Gilmore, Melvin R., 1919, Uses of Plants by the Indians of the Missouri River Region, SI-BAE Annual Report #33", "address": null, "author": "Gilmore, Melvin R.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "SI-BAE Annual Report", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Uses of Plants by the Indians of the Missouri River Region", "url": null, "volume": "33", "year": "1919"} {"id": 18, "refcode": "v52", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Vestal, Paul A., 1952, The Ethnobotany of the Ramah Navaho, Papers of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology 40(4):1-94", "address": null, "author": "Vestal, Paul A.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "Papers of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology", "month": null, "note": null, "number": "4", "pages": "1-94", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "The Ethnobotany of the Ramah Navaho", "url": null, "volume": "40", "year": "1952"} {"id": 19, "refcode": "c35", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Castetter, Edward F., 1935, Ethnobiological Studies in the American Southwest I. Uncultivated Native Plants Used as Sources of Food, University of New Mexico Bulletin 4(1):1-44", "address": null, "author": "Castetter, Edward F.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "University of New Mexico Bulletin", "month": null, "note": null, "number": "1", "pages": "1-44", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Ethnobiological Studies in the American Southwest 1, Uncultivated Native Plants Used as Sources of Food", "url": "https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/unm_bulletin/23/", "volume": "4", "year": "1935"} {"id": 20, "refcode": "smith32", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Smith, Huron H., 1932, Ethnobotany of the Ojibwe Indians, Bulletin of the Public Museum of Milwaukee 4:327-525", "address": null, "author": "Smith, Huron H.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "Bulletin of the Public Museum of Milwaukee", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": "327-525", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Ethnobotany of the Ojibwe Indians", "url": null, "volume": "4", "year": "1932"} {"id": 21, "refcode": "smith28", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Smith, Huron H., 1928, Ethnobotany of the Meskwaki Indians, Bulletin of the Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee 4:175-326", "address": null, "author": "Smith, Huron H.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "Bulletin of the Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": "175-326", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Ethnobotany of the Meskwaki Indians", "url": null, "volume": "4", "year": "1928"} {"id": 22, "refcode": "t42", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Tantaquidgeon, Gladys, 1942, A Study of Delaware Indian Medicine Practice and Folk Beliefs, Harrisburg. Pennsylvania Historical Commission", "address": "Harrisburg", "author": "Tantaquidgeon, Gladys", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "Pennsylvania Historical Commission", "school": null, "title": "A Study of Delaware Indian Medicine Practice and Folk Beliefs", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1942"} {"id": 23, "refcode": "tb71", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Turner, Nancy Chapman and Marcus A. M. Bell, 1971, The Ethnobotany of the Coast Salish Indians of Vancouver Island, I and II, Economic Botany 25(1):63-104, 335-339", "address": null, "author": "Turner, Nancy Chapman and Marcus A. M. Bell", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "Economic Botany", "month": null, "note": null, "number": "1", "pages": "63-104, 335-339", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "The Ethnobotany of the Coast Salish Indians of Vancouver Island I and II", "url": "https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02894564", "volume": "25", "year": "1971"} {"id": 24, "refcode": "s08", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Sparkman, Philip S., 1908, The Culture of the Luiseno Indians, University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 8(4):187-234", "address": null, "author": "Sparkman, Philip S.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology", "month": null, "note": null, "number": "4", "pages": "187-234", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "The Culture of the Luiseno Indians", "url": null, "volume": "8", "year": "1908"} {"id": 25, "refcode": "g73", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Gunther, Erna, 1973, Ethnobotany of Western Washington, Seattle. University of Washington Press. Revised edition", "address": "Washington", "author": "Gunther, Erna", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": "Revised", "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "University of Press", "school": null, "title": "Ethnobotany of Western Washington, Seattle", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1973"} {"id": 26, "refcode": "h74", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Hellson, John C., 1974, Ethnobotany of the Blackfoot Indians, Ottawa. National Museums of Canada. Mercury Series", "address": "Ottawa", "author": "Hellson, John C.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "National Museums of Canada. Mercury Series", "school": null, "title": "Ethnobotany of the Blackfoot Indians", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1974"} {"id": 27, "refcode": "cu35", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Castetter, Edward F. and Ruth M. Underhill, 1935, Ethnobiological Studies in the American Southwest II. The Ethnobiology of the Papago Indians, University of New Mexico Bulletin 4(3):1-84", "address": null, "author": "Castetter, Edward F. and Ruth M. Underhill", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "University of New Mexico Bulletin", "month": null, "note": null, "number": "3", "pages": "1-84", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Ethnobiological Studies in the American Southwest II: The Ethnobiology of the Papago Indians", "url": null, "volume": "4", "year": "1935"} {"id": 28, "refcode": "c30", "type": "phdthesis", "fulltext": "Cook, Sarah Louise, 1930, The Ethnobotany of Jemez Indians., University of New Mexico, M.A. Thesis", "address": null, "author": "Cook, Sarah Louise", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": "University of New Mexico", "title": "The Ethnobotany of Jemez Indians", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1930"} {"id": 29, "refcode": "d44", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Dawson, E. Yale, 1944, Some Ethnobotanical Notes on the Seri Indians, Desert Plant Life 9:133-138", "address": null, "author": "Dawson, E. Yale", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "Desert Plant Life", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": "133-138", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Some Ethnobotanical Notes on the Seri Indians", "url": null, "volume": "9", "year": "1944"} {"id": 30, "refcode": "h92", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Hart, Jeff, 1992, Montana Native Plants and Early Peoples, Helena. Montana Historical Society Press", "address": "Helena", "author": "Hart, Jeff", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "Montana Historical Society Press", "school": null, "title": "Montana Native Plants and Early Peoples", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1992"} {"id": 31, "refcode": "bs72", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Bean, Lowell John and Katherine Siva Saubel, 1972, Temalpakh (From the Earth); Cahuilla Indian Knowledge and Usage of Plants, Banning, CA. Malki Museum Press", "address": "Banning, CA", "author": "Bean, Lowell John and Katherine Siva Saubel", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "Malki Museum Press", "school": null, "title": "Temalpakh (From the Earth); Cahuilla Indian Knowledge and Usage of Plants", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1972"} {"id": 32, "refcode": "tbk80", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Turner, Nancy J., R. Bouchard and Dorothy I.D. Kennedy, 1980, Ethnobotany of the Okanagan-Colville Indians of British Columbia and Washington, Victoria. British Columbia Provincial Museum", "address": "Victoria", "author": "Turner, Nancy J. and R. Bouchard and Dorothy I. D. Kennedy", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "British Columbia Provincial Museum", "school": null, "title": "Ethnobotany of the Okanagan-Colville Indians of British Columbia and Washington", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1980"} {"id": 33, "refcode": "steed28", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Steedman, E.V., 1928, The Ethnobotany of the Thompson Indians of British Columbia, SI-BAE Annual Report #45:441-522", "address": null, "author": "Steedman, E. V.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "SI-BAE Annual Report", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": "441-522", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "The Ethnobotany of the Thompson Indians of British Columbia", "url": null, "volume": "45", "year": "1928"} {"id": 34, "refcode": "h49", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Hocking, George M., 1949, From Pokeroot to Penicillin, The Rocky Mountain Druggist, November 1949. Pages 12, 38.", "address": null, "author": "Hocking, George M.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "The Rocky Mountain Druggist", "month": "November", "note": null, "number": null, "pages": "12,38", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "From Pokeroot to Penicillin", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1949"} {"id": 35, "refcode": "cfh79", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Chandler, R. Frank, Lois Freeman and Shirley N. Hooper, 1979, Herbal Remedies of the Maritime Indians, Journal of Ethnopharmacology 1:49-68", "address": null, "author": "Chandler, R. Frank and Lois Freeman and Shirley N. Hooper", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "Journal of Ethnopharmacology", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": "49-68", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Herbal Remedies of the Maritime Indians", "url": null, "volume": "1", "year": "1979"} {"id": 36, "refcode": "k85", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Kari, Priscilla Russe, 1985, Upper Tanana Ethnobotany, Anchorage. Alaska Historical Commission", "address": "Anchorage", "author": "Kari, Priscilla Russe", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "Alaska Historical Commission", "school": null, "title": "Upper Tanana Ethnobotany", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1985"} {"id": 37, "refcode": "w39", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Whiting, Alfred F., 1939, Ethnobotany of the Hopi, Museum of Northern Arizona Bulletin #15", "address": null, "author": "Whiting, Alfred F.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "Museum of Northern Arizona Bulletin", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Ethnobotany of the Hopi", "url": null, "volume": "15", "year": "1939"} {"id": 38, "refcode": "c11", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Chamberlin, Ralph V., 1911, The Ethno-Botany of the Gosiute Indians of Utah, Memoirs of the American Anthropological Association 2(5):331-405.", "address": null, "author": "Chamberlin, Ralph V.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "Memoirs of the American Anthropological Association", "month": null, "note": null, "number": "5", "pages": "331-405", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "The Ethno-Botany of the Gosiute Indians of Utah", "url": null, "volume": "2", "year": "1911"} {"id": 39, "refcode": "g72", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Grinnell, George Bird, 1972, The Cheyenne Indians - Their History and Ways of Life Vol.2, Lincoln. University of Nebraska Press", "address": "Lincoln", "author": "Grinnell, George Bird", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "University of Nebraska Press", "school": null, "title": "The Cheyenne Indians - Their History and Ways of Life Vol.2", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1972"} {"id": 40, "refcode": "gl80", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Goodrich, Jennie and Claudia Lawson, 1980, Kashaya Pomo Plants, Los Angeles. American Indian Studies Center, University of California, Los Angeles", "address": "University of California, Los Angeles", "author": "Goodrich, Jennie and Claudia Lawson", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "American Indian Studies Center", "school": null, "title": "Kashaya Pomo Plants, Los Angeles", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1980"} {"id": 41, "refcode": "te82", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Turner, Nancy J. and Barbara S. Efrat, 1982, Ethnobotany of the Hesquiat Indians of Vancouver Island, Victoria. British Columbia Provincial Museum", "address": "Victoria", "author": "Turner, Nancy J. and Barbara S. Efrat", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "British Columbia Provincial Museum", "school": null, "title": "Ethnobotany of the Hesquiat Indians of Vancouver Island", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1982"} {"id": 42, "refcode": "m09", "type": "article", "fulltext": "McClintock, Walter, 1909, Medizinal- Und Nutzpflanzen Der Schwarzfuss Indianer, Zeitschriff fur Ethnologie 41:273-9", "address": null, "author": "McClintock, Walter", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "Zeitschriff fur Ethnologie", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": "273-9", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Medizinal- Und Nutzpflanzen Der Schwarzfuss Indianer", "url": null, "volume": "41", "year": "1909"} {"id": 43, "refcode": "smith33", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Smith, Huron H., 1933, Ethnobotany of the Forest Potawatomi Indians, Bulletin of the Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee 7:1-230", "address": null, "author": "Smith, Huron H.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "Bulletin of the Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": "1-230", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Ethnobotany of the Forest Potawatomi Indians", "url": null, "volume": "7", "year": "1933"} {"id": 44, "refcode": "r32", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Ray, Verne F., 1932, The Sanpoil and Nespelem: Salishan Peoples of Northeastern Washington, University of Washington Publications in Anthropology, Vol. 5", "address": null, "author": "Ray, Verne F.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "University of Washington Publications in Anthropology", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "The Sanpoil and Nespelem: Salishan Peoples of Northeastern Washington", "url": null, "volume": "5", "year": "1932"} {"id": 45, "refcode": "r29", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Reagan, Albert B., 1929, Plants Used by the White Mountain Apache Indians of Arizona, Wisconsin Archeologist 8:143-61.", "address": null, "author": "Reagan, Albert B.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "Wisconsin Archeologist", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": "143-61", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Plants Used by the White Mountain Apache Indians of Arizona", "url": null, "volume": "8", "year": "1929"} {"id": 46, "refcode": "c57i", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Curtin, L. S. M., 1957, Some Plants Used by the Yuki Indians ... I. Historical Review and Medicinal Plants, The Masterkey 31:40-48", "address": null, "author": "Curtin, L. S. M.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "The Masterkey", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": "40-48", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Some Plants Used by the Yuki Indians ... I. Historical Review and Medicinal Plants", "url": null, "volume": "31", "year": "1957"} {"id": 47, "refcode": "l85", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Leighton, Anna L., 1985, Wild Plant Use by the Woods Cree (Nihithawak) of East-Central Saskatchewan, Ottawa. National Museums of Canada. Mercury Series", "address": "Ottawa", "author": "Leighton, Anna L.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": "Mercury Series", "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "National Museums of Canada", "school": null, "title": "Wild Plant Use by the Woods Cree (Nihithawak) of East-Central Saskatchewan", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1985"} {"id": 48, "refcode": "g36", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Gifford, E. W., 1936, Northeastern and Western Yavapai, University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 34:247-345", "address": null, "author": "Gifford, E. W.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": "247-345", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Northeastern and Western Yavapai", "url": null, "volume": "34", "year": "1936"} {"id": 49, "refcode": "speck41", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Speck, Frank G., 1941, A List of Plant Curatives Obtained From the Houma Indians of Louisiana, Primitive Man 14:49-75", "address": null, "author": "Speck, Frank G.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "Primitive Man", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": "49-75", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "A List of Plant Curatives Obtained From the Houma Indians of Louisiana", "url": null, "volume": "14", "year": "1941"} {"id": 50, "refcode": "f89", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Fowler, Catherine S., 1989, Willards Z. Park's Ethnographic Notes on the Northern Paiute of Western Nevada 1933-1940, Salt Lake City. University of Utah Press", "address": "Salt Lake City", "author": "Fowler, Catherine S.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "University of Utah Press", "school": null, "title": "Willards Z. Park's Ethnographic Notes on the Northern Paiute of Western Nevada 1933-1940", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1989"} {"id": 51, "refcode": "s23", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Smith, Huron H., 1923, Ethnobotany of the Menomini Indians, Bulletin of the Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee 4:1-174", "address": null, "author": "Smith, Huron H.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "Bulletin of the Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": "1-174", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Ethnobotany of the Menomini Indians", "url": null, "volume": "4", "year": "1923"} {"id": 52, "refcode": "b74", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Basehart, Harry W., 1974, Apache Indians XII. Mescalero Apache Subsistence Patterns and Socio-Political Organization, New York. Garland Publishing Inc.", "address": "New York", "author": "Basehart, Harry W.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "Garland Publishing Inc", "school": null, "title": "Apache Indians XII. Mescalero Apache Subsistence Patterns and Socio-Political Organization", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1974"} {"id": 53, "refcode": "t73", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Turner, Nancy J., 1973, The Ethnobotany of the Bella Coola Indians of British Columbia, Syesis 6:193-220", "address": null, "author": "Turner, Nancy J.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "Syesis", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": "193-220", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "The Ethnobotany of the Bella Coola Indians of British Columbia", "url": null, "volume": "6", "year": "1973"} {"id": 54, "refcode": "j83", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Jones, Anore, 1983, Nauriat Niginaqtuat = Plants That We Eat, Kotzebue, Alaska. Maniilaq Association Traditional Nutrition Program", "address": "Kotzebue, Alaska", "author": "Jones, Anore", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "Maniilaq Association Traditional Nutrition Program", "school": null, "title": "Nauriat Niginaqtuat = Plants That We Eat", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1983"} {"id": 55, "refcode": "p52", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Perry, F., 1952, Ethno-Botany of the Indians in the Interior of British Columbia, Museum and Art Notes 2(2):36-43.", "address": null, "author": "Perry, F.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "Museum and Art Notes", "month": null, "note": null, "number": "2", "pages": "36-43", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Ethno-Botany of the Indians in the Interior of British Columbia", "url": null, "volume": "2", "year": "1952"} {"id": 56, "refcode": "h91", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Hoffman, W.J., 1891, The Midewiwin or 'Grand Medicine Society' of the Ojibwa, SI-BAE Annual Report #7", "address": null, "author": "Hoffman, W. J.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "SI-BAE Annual Report", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "The Midewiwin or 'Grand Medicine Society' of the Ojibwa", "url": null, "volume": "7", "year": "1891"} {"id": 57, "refcode": "h81", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Hart, Jeffrey A., 1981, The Ethnobotany of the Northern Cheyenne Indians of Montana, Journal of Ethnopharmacology 4:1-55", "address": null, "author": "Hart, Jeffrey A.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "Journal of Ethnopharmacology", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": "1-55", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "The Ethnobotany of the Northern Cheyenne Indians of Montana", "url": null, "volume": "4", "year": "1981"} {"id": 58, "refcode": "bc41", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Bell, Willis H and Edward F. Castetter, 1941, Ethnobiological Studies in the Southwest VII. The Utilization of of Yucca, Sotol and Beargrass by the Aborigines in the American Southwest, University of New Mexico Bulletin 5(5):1-74", "address": null, "author": "Bell, Willis H. and Edward F. Castetter", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "University of New Mexico Bulletin", "month": null, "note": null, "number": "5", "pages": "1-74", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Ethnobiological Studies in the Southwest VII. The Utilization of of Yucca, Sotol and Beargrass by the Aborigines in the American Southwest.", "url": null, "volume": "5", "year": "1941"} {"id": 59, "refcode": "r45ii", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Rousseau, Jacques, 1945, Le Folklore Botanique De Caughnawaga, Contributions de l'Institut botanique l'Universite de Montreal 55:7-72", "address": null, "author": "Rousseau, Jacques", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "Contributions de l'Institut botanique l'Universite de Montreal", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": "7-72", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Le Folklore Botanique De Caughnawaga", "url": null, "volume": "55", "year": "1945"} {"id": 60, "refcode": "z81", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Zigmond, Maurice L., 1981, Kawaiisu Ethnobotany, Salt Lake City. University of Utah Press", "address": "Salt Lake City", "author": "Zigmond, Maurice L.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "University of Utah Press", "school": null, "title": "Kawaiisu Ethnobotany", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1981"} {"id": 61, "refcode": "rhf16", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Robbins, W.W., J.P. Harrington and B. Freire-Marreco, 1916, Ethnobotany of the Tewa Indians, SI-BAE Bulletin #55", "address": null, "author": "Robbins, W. W. and J. P. Harrington and B. Freire-Marreco", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "SI-BAE Bulletin", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Ethnobotany of the Tewa Indians", "url": null, "volume": "55", "year": "1916"} {"id": 62, "refcode": "cw45", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Carr, Lloyd G. and Carlos Westey, 1945, Surviving Folktales & Herbal Lore Among the Shinnecock Indians, Journal of American Folklore 58:113-123", "address": null, "author": "Carr, Lloyd G. and Carlos Westey", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "Journal of American Folklore", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": "113-123", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Surviving Folktales & Herbal Lore Among the Shinnecock Indians", "url": null, "volume": "58", "year": "1945"} {"id": 63, "refcode": "tb73", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Turner, Nancy Chapman and Marcus A. M. Bell, 1973, The Ethnobotany of the Southern Kwakiutl Indians of British Columbia, Economic Botany 27:257-310", "address": null, "author": "Turner, Nancy Chapman and Marcus A. M. Bell", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "Economic Botany", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": "257-310", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "The Ethnobotany of the Southern Kwakiutl Indians of British Columbia", "url": null, "volume": "27", "year": "1973"} {"id": 64, "refcode": "w78", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Wilson, Michael R., 1978, Notes on Ethnobotany in Inuktitut, The Western Canadian Journal of Anthropology 8:180-196", "address": null, "author": "Wilson, Michael R.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "The Western Canadian Journal of Anthropology", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": "180-196", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Notes on Ethnobotany in Inuktitut", "url": null, "volume": "8", "year": "1978"} {"id": 65, "refcode": "stew33", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Steward, Julian H., 1933, Ethnography of the Owens Valley Paiute, University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 33(3):233-250", "address": null, "author": "Steward, Julian H.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology", "month": null, "note": null, "number": "3", "pages": "233-250", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Ethnography of the Owens Valley Paiute", "url": null, "volume": "33", "year": "1933"} {"id": 66, "refcode": "c97", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Coville, Frederick V., 1897, Notes On The Plants Used By The Klamath Indians Of Oregon., Contributions from the U.S. National Herbarium 5(2):87-110", "address": null, "author": "Coville, Frederick V.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "Contributions from the US. National Herbarium", "month": null, "note": null, "number": "2", "pages": "87-110", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Notes On The Plants Used By The Klamath Indians Of Oregon", "url": null, "volume": "5", "year": "1897"} {"id": 67, "refcode": "b80", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Black, Meredith Jean, 1980, Algonquin Ethnobotany: An Interpretation of Aboriginal Adaptation in South Western Quebec, Ottawa. National Museums of Canada. Mercury Series Number 65", "address": "Ottawa", "author": "Black, Meredith Jean", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": "Mercury Series Number 65", "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "National Museums of Canada.", "school": null, "title": "Algonquin Ethnobotany: An Interpretation of Aboriginal Adaptation in South Western Quebec", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1980"} {"id": 68, "refcode": "a22", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Akana, Akaiko, 1922, Hawaiian Herbs of Medicinal Value, Honolulu: Pacific Book House", "address": "Honolulu", "author": "Akana, Akaiko", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "Pacific Book House", "school": null, "title": "Hawaiian Herbs of Medicinal Value", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1922"} {"id": 69, "refcode": "c57ii", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Curtin, L. S. M., 1957, Some Plants Used by the Yuki Indians ... II. Food Plants, The Masterkey 31:85-94", "address": null, "author": "Curtin, L. S. M.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "The Masterkey", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": "85-94", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Some Plants Used by the Yuki Indians ... II. Food Plants", "url": null, "volume": "31", "year": "1957"} {"id": 70, "refcode": "b81", "type": "mastersthesis", "fulltext": "Baker, Marc A., 1981, The Ethnobotany of the Yurok, Tolowa and Karok Indians of Northwest California, Humboldt State University, M.A. Thesis", "address": null, "author": "Baker, Marc A.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": "Humboldt State University", "title": "The Ethnobotany of the Yurok, Tolowa and Karok Indians of Northwest California", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1981"} {"id": 71, "refcode": "sg52", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Schenck, Sara M. and E. W. Gifford, 1952, Karok Ethnobotany, Anthropological Records 13(6):377-392", "address": null, "author": "Schenck, Sara M. and E. W. Gifford", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "Anthropological Records", "month": null, "note": null, "number": "6", "pages": "377-392", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Karok Ethnobotany", "url": null, "volume": "13", "year": "1952"} {"id": 72, "refcode": "f96", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Fewkes, J. Walter, 1896, A Contribution to Ethnobotany, American Anthropologist 9:14-21", "address": null, "author": "Fewkes, J. Walter", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "American Anthropologist", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": "14-21", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "A Contribution to Ethnobotany", "url": null, "volume": "9", "year": "1896"} {"id": 73, "refcode": "b05", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Blankinship, J. W., 1905, Native Economic Plants of Montana, Bozeman. Montana Agricultural College Experimental Station, Bulletin 56", "address": null, "author": "Blankinship, J. W.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "Bozeman Montana Agricultural College Experimental Station", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Native Economic Plants of Montana,", "url": null, "volume": "Bulletin 56", "year": "1905"} {"id": 74, "refcode": "e44", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Elmore, Francis H., 1944, Ethnobotany of the Navajo, Sante Fe, NM. School of American Research", "address": "Sante Fe, NM", "author": "Elmore, Francis H.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "School of American Research", "school": null, "title": "Ethnobotany of the Navajo", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1944"} {"id": 75, "refcode": "s37", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Speck, Frank G., 1937, Catawba Medicines and Curative Practices, Publications of the Philadelphia Anthropological Society 1:179-197", "address": null, "author": "Speck, Frank G.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "Publications of the Philadelphia Anthropological Society", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": "179-197", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Catawba Medicines and Curative Practices", "url": null, "volume": "1", "year": "1937"} {"id": 76, "refcode": "j31", "type": "mastersthesis", "fulltext": "Jones, Volney H., 1931, The Ethnobotany of the Isleta Indians, University of New Mexico, M.A. Thesis", "address": null, "author": "Jones, Volney H.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": "University of New Mexico", "title": "The Ethnobotany of the Isleta Indians", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1931"} {"id": 77, "refcode": "r36", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Reagan, Albert B., 1936, Plants Used by the Hoh and Quileute Indians, Kansas Academy of Science 37:55-70", "address": null, "author": "Reagan, Albert B.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "Kansas Academy of Science", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": "55-70", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Plants Used by the Hoh and Quileute Indians", "url": null, "volume": "37", "year": "1936"} {"id": 78, "refcode": "sd52", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Speck, Frank G. and R.W. Dexter, 1952, Utilization of Animals and Plants by the Malecite Indians of New Brunswick, Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 42:1-7", "address": null, "author": "Speck, Frank G. and R. W. Dexter", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": "1-7", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Utilization of Animals and Plants by the Malecite Indians of New Brunswick", "url": null, "volume": "42", "year": "1952"} {"id": 79, "refcode": "swank32", "type": "mastersthesis", "fulltext": "Swank, George R., 1932, The Ethnobotany of the Acoma and Laguna Indians, University of New Mexico, M.A. Thesis", "address": null, "author": "Swank, George R.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": "University of New Mexico", "title": "The Ethnobotany of the Acoma and Laguna Indians", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1932"} {"id": 80, "refcode": "g67", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Gifford, E. W., 1967, Ethnographic Notes on the Southwestern Pomo, Anthropological Records 25:10-15", "address": null, "author": "Gifford, E. W.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "Anthropological Records", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": "10-15", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Ethnographic Notes on the Southwestern Pomo", "url": null, "volume": "25", "year": "1967"} {"id": 81, "refcode": "p74", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Powers, Stephen, 1874, Aboriginal Botany, Proceedings of the California Academy of Science 5:373-9.", "address": null, "author": "Powers, Stephen", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "Proceedings of the California Academy of Science", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": "373-9", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Aboriginal Botany", "url": null, "volume": "5", "year": "1874"} {"id": 82, "refcode": "c74", "type": "incollection", "fulltext": "Colton, Harold S., 1974, Hopi History And Ethnobotany, IN D. A. Horr (ed.) Hopi Indians. Garland: New York.", "address": "New York", "author": "Colton, Harold S.", "booktitle": "Hopi Indians", "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": "D.A. Horr", "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "Garland", "school": null, "title": "Hopi History And Ethnobotany", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1974"} {"id": 83, "refcode": "h84", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Holmes, E.M., 1884, Medicinal Plants Used by Cree Indians, Hudson's Bay Territory, The Pharmaceutical Journal and Transactions 15:302-304", "address": null, "author": "Holmes, E. M.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "The Pharmaceutical Journal and Transactions", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": "302-304", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Medicinal Plants Used by Cree Indians, Hudson's Bay Territory,", "url": null, "volume": "15", "year": "1884"} {"id": 84, "refcode": "r47", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Rousseau, Jacques, 1947, Ethnobotanique Abenakise, Archives de Folklore 11:145-182", "address": null, "author": "Rousseau, Jacques", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "Archives de Folklore", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": "145-182", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Ethnobotanique Abenakise", "url": null, "volume": "11", "year": "1947"} {"id": 85, "refcode": "hedges86", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Hedges, Ken, 1986, Santa Ysabel Ethnobotany, San Diego Museum of Man Ethnic Technology Notes, No. 20", "address": null, "author": "Hedges, Ken", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "San Diego Museum of Man Ethnic Technology Notes", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Santa Ysabel Ethnobotany", "url": null, "volume": "20", "year": "1986"} {"id": 86, "refcode": "perry75", "type": "phdthesis", "fulltext": "Perry, Myra Jean, 1975, Food Use of 'Wild' Plants by Cherokee Indians, The University of Tennessee, M.S. Thesis", "address": null, "author": "Perry, Myra Jean", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": "The University of Tennessee", "title": "Food Use of 'Wild' Plants by Cherokee Indians", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1975"} {"id": 87, "refcode": "b86", "type": "book", "fulltext": "Buskirk, Winfred, 1986, The Western Apache: Living With the Land Before 1950, Norman. University of Oklahoma Press", "address": "Norman", "author": "Buskirk, Winfred", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": "University of Oklahoma Press", "school": null, "title": "The Western Apache: Living With the Land Before 1950", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1986"} {"id": 88, "refcode": "s54", "type": "phdthesis", "fulltext": "Sturtevant, William, 1954, The Mikasuki Seminole: Medical Beliefs and Practices, Yale University, PhD Thesis", "address": null, "author": "Sturtevant, William", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": "Yale University", "title": "The Mikasuki Seminole: Medical Beliefs and Practices", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1954"} {"id": 89, "refcode": "c02", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Chestnut, V. K., 1902, Plants Used by the Indians of Mendocino County, California, Contributions from the U.S. National Herbarium 7:295-408.", "address": null, "author": "Chestnut, V. K.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "Contributions from the US. National Herbarium", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": "295-408", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Plants Used by the Indians of Mendocino County, California,", "url": null, "volume": "7", "year": "1902"} {"id": 90, "refcode": "w45", "type": "article", "fulltext": "White, Leslie A, 1945, Notes on the Ethnobotany of the Keres, Papers of the Michigan Academy of Arts, Sciences and Letters 30:557-568", "address": null, "author": "White, Leslie A.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "Papers of the Michigan Academy of Arts, Sciences and Letters", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": "557-568", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Notes on the Ethnobotany of the Keres", "url": null, "volume": "30", "year": "1945"} {"id": 91, "refcode": "g13i", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Gilmore, Melvin R., 1913, Some Native Nebraska Plants With Their Uses by the Dakota, Collections of the Nebraska State Historical Society 17:358-70", "address": null, "author": "Gilmore, Melvin R.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "Collections of the Nebraska State Historical Society", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": "358-70", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Some Native Nebraska Plants With Their Uses by the Dakota", "url": null, "volume": "17", "year": "1913"} {"id": 92, "refcode": "palmer75", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Palmer, Gary, 1975, Shuswap Indian Ethnobotany, Syesis 8:29-51", "address": null, "author": "Palmer, Gary", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "Syesis", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": "29-51", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Shuswap Indian Ethnobotany", "url": null, "volume": "8", "year": "1975"} {"id": 93, "refcode": "mech59", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Mechling, W.H., 1959, The Malecite Indians With Notes on the Micmacs, Anthropologica 8:239-263", "address": null, "author": "Mechling, W. H.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "Anthropologica", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": "239-263", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "The Malecite Indians With Notes on the Micmacs", "url": null, "volume": "8", "year": "1959"} {"id": 94, "refcode": "s73", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Smith, G. Warren, 1973, Arctic Pharmacognosia, Arctic 26:324-333", "address": null, "author": "Smith, G. Warren", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "Arctic", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": "324-333", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Arctic Pharmacognosia", "url": null, "volume": "26", "year": "1973"} {"id": 95, "refcode": "co36", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Castetter, Edward F. and M. E. Opler, 1936, Ethnobiological Studies in the American Southwest III. The Ethnobiology of the Chiricahua and Mescalero Apache, University of New Mexico Bulletin 4(5):1-63", "address": null, "author": "Castetter, Edward F. and M. E. Opler", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": ", University of New Mexico Bulletin", "month": null, "note": null, "number": "5", "pages": "1-63", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Ethnobiological Studies in the American Southwest III. The Ethnobiology of the Chiricahua and Mescalero Apache", "url": null, "volume": "4", "year": "1936"} {"id": 96, "refcode": "b52", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Barrett, S. A., 1952, Material Aspects of Pomo Culture, Bulletin of the Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee 20", "address": null, "author": "Barrett, S. A.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "Bulletin of the Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Material Aspects of Pomo Culture", "url": null, "volume": "20", "year": "1952"} {"id": 97, "refcode": "t72", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Tantaquidgeon, Gladys, 1972, Folk Medicine of the Delaware and Related Algonkian Indians, Harrisburg. Pennsylvania Historical Commission Anthropological Papers #3", "address": null, "author": "Tantaquidgeon, Gladys", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "Pennsylvania Historical Commission Anthropological Papers", "month": null, "note": null, "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Folk Medicine of the Delaware and Related Algonkian Indians, Harrisburg", "url": null, "volume": "3", "year": "1972"} {"id": 98, "refcode": "m53", "type": "mastersthesis", "fulltext": "Mahar, James Michael., 1953, Ethnobotany of the Oregon Paiutes of the Warm Springs Indian Reservation, Reed College, B.A. Thesis", "address": null, "author": "Mahar, James Michael.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": null, "month": null, "note": "B.A. Thesis", "number": null, "pages": null, "publisher": null, "school": "Reed College", "title": "Ethnobotany of the Oregon Paiutes of the Warm Springs Indian Reservation", "url": null, "volume": null, "year": "1953"} {"id": 99, "refcode": "f80", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Fleisher, Mark S., 1980, The Ethnobotany of the Clallam Indians of Western Washington, Northwest Anthropological Research Notes 14(2):192-210", "address": null, "author": "Fleisher, Mark S.", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "Northwest Anthropological Research Notes", "month": null, "note": null, "number": "2", "pages": "192-210", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "The Ethnobotany of the Clallam Indians of Western Washington", "url": null, "volume": "14", "year": "1980"} {"id": 100, "refcode": "bg33", "type": "article", "fulltext": "Barrett, S. A. and E. W. Gifford, 1933, Miwok Material Culture, Bulletin of the Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee 2(4):11", "address": null, "author": "Barrett, S. A. and E. W. Gifford", "booktitle": null, "comment": null, "edition": null, "editor": null, "journal": "Bulletin of the Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee", "month": null, "note": null, "number": "4", "pages": "11", "publisher": null, "school": null, "title": "Miwok Material Culture", "url": null, "volume": "2", "year": "1933"}