id,refcode,type,fulltext,address,author,booktitle,comment,edition,editor,journal,month,note,number,pages,publisher,school,title,url,volume,year 201,g32,article,"Gifford, E. W., 1932, The Southeastern Yavapai, University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 29:177-252",,"Gifford, E. W.",,,,,University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology,,,,177-252,,,The Southeastern Yavapai,,29,1932 202,b36,article,"Bradley, Will T., 1936, Medical Practices of the New England Aborigines, Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association 25(2):138-147",,"Bradley, Will T.",,,,,Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association,,,2,138-147,,,Medical Practices of the New England Aborigines,,25,1936 203,r23,article,"Radin, Paul, 1923, The Winnebago Tribe, SI-BAE Annual Report #37",,"Radin, Paul",,,,,SI-BAE Annual Report,,,,,,,The Winnebago Tribe,,37,1923 204,w89,article,"Willoughby, C., 1889, Indians of the Quinaielt Agency, Washington Territory, Smithsonian Institution Annual Report for 1886",,"Willoughby, C.",,,,,Smithsonian Institution Annual Report for 1886,,,,,,,"Indians of the Quinaielt Agency, Washington Territory",,,1889 205,p37,book,"Porsild, A.E., 1937, Edible Roots and Berries of Northern Canada, Canada Department of Mines and Resources, National Museum of Canada",,"Porsild, A. E.",,,,,,,,,,"Canada Department of Mines and Resources, National Museum of Canada",,Edible Roots and Berries of Northern Canada,,,1937 206,m40,article,"Mandelbaum, David G., 1940, The Plains Cree, Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History 37:202-203",,"Mandelbaum, David G.",,,,,Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History,,,,202-203,,,The Plains Cree,,37,1940